quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2022

Beware of the European Parliament... A cultural geostrategic article on the web...


European politicians are once again fueling war with their calumnies against Russia and their deliberate stoking of Nazi embers.

«One would think, perhaps, that with a perilous war raging on the European continent, the European Union’s parliament might want to show some leadership in promoting diplomatic solutions to end that conflict. No, not a bit of it.

The European Parliament has shown itself again this week to be nothing more than a giant reactionary talking shop whose proclaimed democratic values have an inverse relationship to its copious chamber of 705 parliamentarians.

Only three years ago, the same parliament voted on a resolution that shamefully distorted the origins of the Second World War by trying to equate the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany.

The parliament comprising lawmakers from 27 member nations passed a resolution this week condemning Russia as “a state sponsor of terrorism and a state that uses the means of terrorism”. The motion is legally non-binding, and so, therefore, has no power of enforcement. It is a highly “symbolic gesture” of censure against Russia. In other words, it is naked political propaganda for a political purpose – to smear the Russian Federation and to inculcate the public perception of Russia as a barbarian rogue that needs to be eliminated.

Not even the United States has gone this far. The Joe Biden administration has balked at suggestions to similarly designate Russia a terror state. Washington has balked because it is a ludicrous incendiary step, as well as blatantly false.

The European resolution text was a screed of rabid Russophobia packed with anti-Russia allegations referring to the nearly 10-month-old war in Ukraine. Many of the claims are baseless or have been shown to be outright fabrications contrived to malign Russia. They were also hilarious in their stupidity.

For example, at one point the resolution absurdly blames Russia for blowing up its own Nord Stream gas pipelines under the Baltic Sea back in September. This contradicts plenty of evidence that the explosions were in fact carried out by the U.S. and Britain in a covert military operation to permanently sever European gas trade with Russia. Yet the European parliamentarians accused Russia of leaking its own gas into the Baltic Sea from the sabotaged pipes (costing the Russian state billions of dollars worth) and thereby inflicting “an environmental attack on the EU”. Ergo, the Russians are not only barbarians, they must be very stupid barbarians!

In another head-spinning example, the European Parliament resolution accused Russia of terrorizing the Ukrainian population by occupying the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) and “making it a military target”. That’s a weird sort of admission of the reality that for months now the Ukrainian military has been shelling Europe’s biggest nuclear station with NATO artillery threatening to create a radiation disaster. Yet instead of pointing fingers at Kiev and NATO, the European lawmakers lay the blame on Russia for making the ZPNN a military target. Oh, those dastardly barbarian Russians!

Lamentably, this only shows that the European Parliament has managed to brazenly turn reality on its head. The NATO and EU-backed Nazi regime in Kiev is the entity that is threatening to ignite another world war in Europe, one that would lead to a global conflagration.

The insanity of the European parliamentary resolution is beyond irony. It came only days after video evidence emerged that Kiev’s Nazi military was executing Russian POWs. It also came only a week after the Ukrainian regime was caught red-handed firing a missile at Poland killing two civilians with the obvious intention of causing a provocation in order to incite an all-out NATO war against Russia.

The resolution accused Russia of committing “aggression on Ukraine” for the past nine years. This is another example of reality-inversion. It was the U.S. and EU-backed coup d’état in Kiev in 2014 that spawned a Nazi regime to embark on terrorism against the Russian-speaking people of the former Ukrainian southeast Donbass region (now a part of the Russian Federation). The weaponizing by NATO of a Russian-hating Kiev regime that openly adulates Third Reich collaborators led to the present war in Ukraine.

That war has escalated because the United States and NATO have pumped Ukraine with billions of dollars of weapons. The latest total military aid from the US stands at nearly $20 billion. Washington and its European Union allies have bankrolled the Kiev regime to the tune of an estimated $126 billion since February this year. Much of that taxpayer-funded largesse has been siphoned off by a corrupt cabal in Kiev headed up by the comedian-turned-president Vladimir Zelensky.

The war started because of NATO and Europe’s refusal to engage with Moscow in diplomatic negotiations over its long-held strategic security requirements. And the war has escalated because NATO and Europe have sought every way to militarize the conflict while spurning diplomacy.

Russia has up to now tried to minimize military operations in Ukraine to neutralize the Nazi regime and its genocidal aggression. But it has become grievously clear that the Kiev regime and its NATO handlers have little capacity for finding a political settlement based on Russia’s strategic security concerns.

The endemic terrorism that the United States, NATO and European Union have bankrolled and weaponized in Ukraine shows that Russia has now no choice but to defeat the Kiev regime through military victory. The enemy mobilized the Ukrainian state in a war against Russia. The enemy did not hold punches in firing indiscriminately at Russian cities, destroying civilian infrastructure and waging “Total War” through economic sanctions and sabotage. The targeting by Russia of Ukraine’s power grid with increasing missile barrages is a situation of military exigency brought about by NATO’s implacable weaponizing of Ukraine. Russia is not the terror state here. It is the United States and European Union who have made war inevitable.

The European Parliament accused Russia of carrying out massacres when it is the NATO and EU-backed Nazi regime that has perpetrated vile atrocities against its own people at Bucha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk and other places of infamy in a macabre charade to blame Russia.

With supreme arrogance, the European Parliament touts itself as a bastion of democracy, human rights and international law. In reality, this bureaucratic colossus has become a propaganda machine for Nazi terrorism in Europe. This degeneration of the parliament has been underway over several years, brought about largely by the expansion of the EU with anti-Russian states. Like NATO, the bloc has become a reservoir of toxic Russophobia due to similar dynamics of expansion.

Europe has seen two world wars over the past century that resulted in as many as 100 million deaths. Russia has felt the suffering and loss from wars more than any other nation. European politicians are once again fueling war with their calumnies against Russia and their deliberate stoking of Nazi embers.»  

From Strategic Culture Foundation

terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2022

Os Poetas de Portugal. Poesia espiritual de Pedro Teixeira da Mota. 29-11-22.

                                    Os Poetas de Portugal.

Tanto amor  corria nas suas almas

que ardia, inflamava e inspirava-os.

Quantos sonhos lançaram ao vento,

desejando chegar a quem os sentisse

e até eles em vibrações refluísse...


Houve os consagrados em vida

que sentiram no peito a alegria,

mas muitos ainda hoje no além

esperam a apreciação, a oração e o amor,

necessitando da comunhão no nosso ardor.


Quantas noites a alma ardia

e no catre e no sono não cabia,

e logo cadernos de versos enchia,

à luz da candeia e da lua,

invocando génio, anjo ou musa,

para subtil luz descobrir e comunicar?


Assim cada um de nós é um elo

numa tradição imemorial e subtil

e quando começa a escrever

está a cumprir um ritual

de invocar a sabedoria pelo amor,

e para harmonizar as almas

 que um dia o vierem a ler.


Harmonizar, religar a terra e céu,

 baixo e alto, inconsciente e consciente,

Aqui e agora, corpo e alma,

transcendência e imanência,

respirar e orar feliz o Ser.


E nesta comunhão Divina emanar,

Palavra, Verbo, Logos e Sermo

No corpo místico da Anima Mundi,

  Em quem nos sentir, amar e intuir.  


Poesia espiritual. No findar do novembro de 2022, na aspiração do despertar e sentir a luz e o amor da Unidade...

Das colunas do Parthenon, coração da Grécia perene. Por Bô Yin Râ...

Poetizar, eis a difícil tarefa 

de gerar na alma gnose

intensificadora e libertadora

do corpo de glória luminoso.

Gnose que nos abre a alma

à dimensão luminosa e liberta,

e a aproxima do íntimo coração,

oásis e fonte de alegria e amor. 

Este estado interno pleno e feliz

com quem o partilhar e o frutificar?

- Ó alma, pensa antes em o usufruir,

e no coração o Ser aprofundar.


Quantos persistem na demanda

da palavra que aprofunda e desperta?

Sentes o teu subtil coração

e a tua alma em fogo ardente,

na aspiração da divina comunhão? 


Aproximei-me mais do coração.

Orei para o seu interior,

E a minha alma ardia por Ti,

Luz que és tudo e eu mesmo.


Possa em ti mais estabilizar,

E a divina Unidade mais sentir,

Para despertarmos e sermos, 

Nós, tu, eu e eles, luz da Luz...

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2022

"Antero", lampeão de Platão, soneto por Carlos Eugénio Paço d' Arcos. E sinfonia "Antero de Quental", de Luís de Freitas Branco.

De Carlos Eugénio Correa Paço d'Arcos foi dada à luz em 1932, na Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra (onde tinha sido provido do cargo de professor mas que a súbita tragédia da tuberculose o impediu de exercer), uma obra póstuma sua (tal como a valiosa Vita Brevis, tão bem prefaciada por Joaquim de Carvalho e que a Universidade digitalizou on-line) com um valioso prefácio do seu professor e confidente Vieira de Almeida, intitulada Visão Imperfeita de um Parnaso Cristão. Sonetos de..., num in-8º de 62 páginas, onde podemos apreciar 33 sonetos de grande qualidade cultural, afectiva, filosófica e religiosa, dedicados a uma série de grandes seres da tradição romana, europeia e portuguesa, vivos ou já mortos. Poderemos destacar Teixeira de Pascoaes, Vitorino Nemésio, Luís Viveiro Pereira, Amândio Paul, Joaquim de Carvalho, Vieira de Almeida, D. João da Câmara e, finalmente, Antero de Quental ao qual já dedicamos um artigo neste blogue. Mas como ele é tão valioso, resolvemos, transcrevê-lo de novo e comentá-lo, sem olhar ao que sentira e escrevera anteriormente. E vai acompanhado (ligação no fim), a tão subtil quão poderosa sinfonia Antero de Quental por Luís de Freitas Branco...

«O Divino Platão disse a um filho errante:
«Hoje reina a Matéria! O Espírito morreu!
                «Mas quem pode esquecer que eu transportei ao Céu
    «A subsistente Ideia em seu fulgor brilhante?

«Na Grécia rica em luz meu poema distante
     «Um pensamento eterno ao jovem mundo deu.
«Vai tu de lampeão acesso em denso véu
«Falar no Pensamento ao mundo agonizante!»

Assim falou Platão... E Antero de Quental
Era ele o filho errante) ao mundo gasto trouxe
Um Pensamento expresso em estilo de cristal.

Ébrio de soluções, no Oceano embrenhou-se...
A dúvida afogou-o. Em toda a parte o mal.
Ergueu o imenso olhar. Faltou-lhe a fé. Matou-se.»
Céu em sangue e fogo, amor  e esperança, a 26-11-2022.
 Este belo, profundo e trágico soneto de homenagem e caracterização de Antero de Quental por Carlos Eugénio, relembra-nos como Platão foi um dos mestres de Antero, um dos autores que leu ou admirou, pesem terem sido filósofos mais modernos que mais estudou  e amou, da escola germânica, tais como Kant, Hegel, von Hartmann.
Mas sem dúvida fora Platão quem, no belo dizer de Carlos Eugénio Paço d'Arcos, ergueu ao Céu, ao mundo dos arquétipos e das Ideias os conceitos de bem, do belo, do verdadeiro e do justo, através da sua vasta obra de discípulo e divulgador de Sócrates mas também, ainda que algo ocultando-o, de Pitágoras.
No soneto vemos que Platão (o divino Platão, para Marsilio Ficino, que o comemorava de vários modos na sua Academia em Florença, tendo traduzido e comentado pioneiramente toda a sua obra para latim) terá sentido que tinha um bom discípulo ou continuador no séc. XIX e deu-lhe a missão de levar o facho da luz, e na imagem até tão próxima do arcano IX do Tarot, o Eremita, ou seja, de ir com o lampião aceso isto é, com a sua mente desperta, búdica, iluminar  o mundo desnorteado.
E nessa tarefa iluminativa Antero de Quental esculpira em estilo maravilhoso, de cristal, os seus pensamentos perante os problemas e mistérios da vida, captando de diferentes tradições e pensadores as suas ideias e conclusões, tentando entrar e internar-se no grande oceano da noite e dos mistérios, do inconsciente e do não-Ser que julgava ser o Absoluto e o Primordial, perdendo-se da Divindade...
Estava rodeado de mal, de dúvidas, de indiferença, e foi avançando, enfraquecido até pelos seu sistema nervoso sensível e já desgastado, e saindo de dúvidas para as visões luminosas do norte ou rumo da Humanidade e que tentou partilhar nos últimos sonetos, no epistolário e sobretudo nas Tendências Gerais da Filosofia na segunda metade do século XIX.
Ao contrario do que o poema transmite, Antero não estava de modo algum perdido, desnorteado, nem se afogara nas suas dúvidas.  O seu "imenso" e profundo olhar-ver-visionar-imaginar continuava a tentar devassar regiões e níveis da consciência e da realidade. Não lhe faltava fé no espírito, na ideia, na verdade, na comunhão com corpo místico da humanidade. Mas, regressando para estabilizar nos Açores natal, subitamente faltou-lhe o amor, a afectividade, ao retirarem-lhe as crianças adoptivas, certamente quem mais amaria no mundo então. 
E sentindo que já cumprira a sua missão de pensador, de filósofo, de de líder psíquico e político (ainda por cima com a recente desilusão da Liga Patriótica do Norte), retirou-se da cena, tal como o mestre de Platão, Sócrates, tomando a cicuta e partindo samuraicamente para o além. 
Não lhe faltava a fé em Deus, mas apenas mais amor em acção, certamente tanto para as crianças e pessoas amigas mas talvez ainda mais para a Divindade, para  a qual não estabelecera uma relação pessoal, intermediarizada ou não, por Jesus, Maria, Anjo, Santo, Mestres, pese o último soneto da sua obra prima, onde entrega o seu coração na mão de Deus.
Estava só. Regressar a Lisboa de mãos  e coração a abanar, quando as suas possibilidades de acção útil e luminosa já eram fracas ou nulas, não era certamente atraente ou o seu caminho certo, o seu dharma.  Resolveu então deixar a Terra, partir, na sua própria ilha e cidade natal para aí ficar seu corpo, já que a sua alma incarnou-a bem na sua obra e quem a lê contacta-o. Quanto ao seu espírito, ou eu individual perene, deverá será ainda hoje um peregrino errante? Talvez neste sentido, sim, Carlos Eugénio tenha acertado muito bem, quando intui na cosmovisão subjacente ao seu soneto  Sócrates clarividente dialogando com Antero de Quental e enviando-o com o lampião do Pensamento às trevas e véus da Terra. 
Ao longo da sua vida Antero mostrou-se um digno discípulo de Sócrates e Platão e nomeou-os várias vezes como sendo mestres da Humanidade, ao lado de Jesus, de Buda, de Pitágoras, de Epictecto, afirmando mesmo numa carta de 1874 estar a trabalhar a «evolução psico-metafísica efectuada desde Platão até à Renascença, e eu creio ter entrado intimamente nesse mistério». Mas talvez  dos mais valiosos passos que nesse discipulado nos deixou será o de uma carta a António de Azevedo Castelo Branco, de 1865, quando tinha apenas 23 anos, mas com grande perenidade ou actualidade face aos nossos dias em que narrativas oficiais e independentes tão diferentes se digladiam tão opressiva ou asperamente:  
 «O cenobismo, e a contemplação, o misticismo, se quiseres, são na sua inércia aparente, os mais rijos obstáculos que a liberdade de espírito pode opor à brutalidade invasora das condições fatais do mundo; são a maior vitória da consciência, o maior triunfo, com esta arma invisível e silenciosa, - a indiferença, o desdém. - Todas as vezes que a alma humana sufocada pelo abraço bestial da natureza, se tem visto em perigo de morrer, não lhe tem valido nem a paixão nem a luta ruidosa e dramática, mas só desprezo, a abstinência, a contemplação. Esta é que é a base das religiões como das filosofias; e Cristo e Buda vão nisto (que é o essencial) de acordo com Sócrates e Epicteto. Crê que a grandeza da alma está em resistirmos, conservando-se cada um no meio hostil em que o acaso [ou o karma] o deixou cair, em resistir numa imobilidade de consciência [difícil impassibilidade e desprendimento] a quem o mundo não pode ferir porque não depende dele para nada, mas só do ideal ou do espírito se quiseres.   Enfim, tudo isto sabes tu melhor do que eu, que és acabado moralista - e eu sei também que tudo isto é uma questão doutrinal, de valor quase só científico e nada prático para nós, porque não somos heróis nem mártires, mas só homens aspirando a viver segundo a justiça e a razão, o que não é pouco

quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2022

De Stephen Karganovic: A era dos charlatães perigosos,. Acerca de Musk, Soros e Gates. Tradução mista.

S. George e o dragão. Pintura de Nicholai Roerich.
                    A era dos charlatões perigosos.
Por Stephen Karganovic,
presidente do Srebrenica Historical Project....      22 de novembro de 2022. 
Recebido via António Gil, no Vk.com, e partilhado para este blogue e com  posteriores correcções (confrontando com o texto em inglês) e acrescentos, estes entre colchetes...

«Elon Musk, o proeminente enfant terrible do cenário globalista, nunca para de surpreender. No recente fórum de negócios do G20 na Indonésia, sem nenhum motivo aparente relacionado com a cimeira, ele declarou que “ talvez venhamos a encontrar civilizações alienígenas ou a descobrir civilizações que existiram há milhões de anos ”. O anúncio bizarro foi feito numa atmosfera mística adequada, incluindo uma bacia de cristal oculta situada à frente, com Musk sentado no escuro, vestindo uma camisa batik tradicional da Indonésia e cercado por velas, enquanto oferecia uma “visão” para o futuro em que, além de alienígenas, também incluía túneis profundos e turismo de foguetões.
Não há registo de ninguém presente a fazer a pergunta óbvia a Musk: - O que o qualifica para especular sobre esses assuntos? Há poucas informações sobre a educação e as realizações de Musk, se excluirmos o facto amplamente conhecido de seu enriquecimento repentino, inexplicável e espectacular, a par de “histórias de sucesso” semelhantes envolvendo o surgimento de magnatas “do nada” na Rússia, na década de 1990.
Os escassos dados biográficos disponíveis sobre Musk incluem os petiscos de génios em ascensão, tal como criar um jogo de vídeo com a tenra idade de 12 anos. Quanto à educação real, consta que em 1997 Musk recebeu o diploma de bacharel "em física e economia" pela Universidade de Pensilvânia. O eclético estudioso Musk posteriormente matriculou-se em Stanford para fazer pós-graduação em física, que abandonou após dois dias de residência porque “sentiu que a Internet tinha muito mais potencial para mudar a sociedade do que o trabalho em física”.
Desnecessário dizer que Elon Musk não é nosso único contemporâneo proeminente hoje em dia que está a usar [e abusar]  estrategicamente a fama e o dinheiro para tentar “mudar a sociedade”. O notório Bill Gates é outro exemplo bem conhecido. No nível de competência, as semelhanças entre os dois são impressionantes. Tal como Musk, Gates não tem educação significativa ou experiência em nada. É simplesmente o que na América costumava ser conhecido desdenhosamente (mas no caso de Gates com precisão) como um desertor do ensino médio. Como Elon Musk, Gates também mexeu com tecnologia de computador desde tenra idade, mas não há evidências de que ele tenha procurado ou adquirido qualquer treino ou conhecimento especial em qualquer coisa, seja medicina, eugenia, farmacologia ou qualquer um dos outros campos que o interessam e que tem impactado criticamente com as imensas quantias de dinheiro que passaram a concentrar-se sob o seu controlo. Na verdade, além de trair os seus parceiros de negócios para  sua vantagem pessoal, não se sabe que Gates tenha sido particularmente talentoso em qualquer coisa, no decurso da sua vida activa.
Na sociedade do espectáculo , em que o Ocidente colectivo se transformou, as Kim Kardashians e Angelina Jolies reinam supremas. Os consumidores fascinados por porcaria estão muito desorientados para exigirem ver as credenciais, seja das estrelas de Hollywood seja dos magnates “filantrópicos”, que tentam preencher o seu vazio interior [ou o seu ódio e ambição] voltando-se para a perigosa busca da engenharia social. O conceito de autoridade, no seu amplo espectro que vai do político ao académico, na sociedade neoliberal Ocidental desmoronou completamente. Fama barata e dinheiro abundante são nesta sociedade qualificações suficientes para permitirem o pontificar-se em qualquer assunto ou área.
Enquanto um zé-ninguém endinheirado como Bill Gates corrompe instituições para endossar sua besteira [ou estúpida ambição] sem instrução, um respeitado e renomeado especialista médico, tal como o Dr. Peter A. McCullough, é perseguido e a sua licença médica foi revogada por se recusar a violar a ética profissional e a dobrar os joelhos perante um charlatão [insensível e megalómano] enormemente rico [e que deveria ser "obrigado" mensalmente a utilizar 5 a 10% da sua fortuna para criar infraestruturas nos países mais carenciados.]
A triste realidade das sociedades ocidentais é que, em sucessivas questões políticas, o tom é definido e a narrativa é moldada por charlatões, denominados "autoridades falsas" ou, em russo , самозванцы, fraudulentos impostores, da laia de Musk e Gates, cujas palavras são avidamente absorvidas por um público sem noção e enganado. Esses charlatães influenciam mentes e moldam eventos em 8quase] todas as principais esferas da vida, não apenas no entretenimento, que lhes serviu de trampolim eficaz para a corrupção de hábitos e morais, mas também na política ou jornalismo e ciência comprados e pagos, arte decadente, erudição falsa e assim por diante.
A importante questão da extensão do poder e influência efectiva dos fraudulentos pode, por enquanto, ser deixada de lado. A observação fecunda do sociólogo Andrey Fursov deve porém ser sempre lembrada: se vocês já ouviram falar do nome de alguém, é mais do que provável que ele seja apenas o agente de alguém, uma fachada para directores ocultos, em vez de um director genuíno [muito visível na maioria dos políticos ocidentais no poder]. Mas seja na capacidade de instrumentos ou, menos provavelmente, como actores genuínos, o dano causado por esses fraudulentos fabulosamente ricos, homens de integridade questionável e biografias obscuras, tem sido enorme.
Basta mencionar George Soros, o protótipo de nossos súbditos, traidor cínico de seu próprio povo e colaborador ansioso de seus algozes, manipulador implacável do mercado financeiro e que em 1997 causou a devastação maciça de milhões pessoas no Sudeste Asiático com a explicação psicopata de que seu propósito é ganhar dinheiro e não salvaguardar o bem-estar material de suas vítimas. A enganadoramente chamada Open Society Foundation, de Soros, tem sido o centro da subversão na maioria dos países do mundo e tem sido banida e expulsa de muitos deles [por muitas razões].
As práticas perversas de engenharia social exemplificadas por George Soros foram avidamente seguidas por Bill Gates e Elon Musk. Como Soros nos domínios de seu interesse particular, e também depois de adquirir para si o título altissonante de “filantropo”, Gates injetou centenas de milhões de dólares em uma variedade de projectos anti-humanos. Vêm à mente, para mencionar apenas alguns, o escurecimento artificial do sol [geo-engenharia climática], campanhas de esterilização na África disfarçadas sob a  forma de distribuição de vacinas gratuitas, testes médicos ilegais visando agricultores desprevenidos ​​na Índia e a promoção enérgica de um esquema geral de redução da população mundial  que visa eliminar fisicamente uma grande parte dos actuais habitantes da Terra. Um colegial  certamente muito ambicioso que abandonou os estudos e é ainda para muitos um filantropo!
 Quando um homem de Estado importante sugeriu recentemente que as elites ocidentais eram quanto à sua inspiração “satânicas”, não parece que ele estivesse a alargar-se no seu reparo.
Como seus confrades Soros e Gates, Elon Musk também vem usando as vastas quantias de dinheiro fiduciário colocadas à sua disposição para interferir agressivamente em todos os domínios concebíveis, desde a organização de golpes na América do Sul para a pilhagem de recursos minerais locais, até a injectar-se a si mesmo no território ucraniano, com a tecnologia de satélite que ele controla e – como vimos acima – torcendo as mentes de seu público com os enganos dos extraterrestres. 

Provavelmente sem que ele soubesse, em seu discurso no G20, Musk tocou num ponto fundamental da escatologia ortodoxa [cristã], o ensinamento de que no final dos tempos o advento do falso messias e a falsa salvação que ele traz serão anunciados por demónios disfarçados de extraterrestres. 
A este respeito, o Santo [padre ortodoxo canonizado em 2012]  Gabriel Orgebadze (1929-1995), da Geórgia, emitiu uma advertência que Musk e todos os que o levam a sério devem reflectir cuidadosamente antes de envolverem outros na sua teia ilusória ou deceptiva:
“Durante os tempos do Anticristo, a tentação mais forte será a antecipação da salvação do cosmos por humanóides, extraterrestres que na verdade são demónios. Raramente se deve olhar para o "céu", pois os sinais podem ser enganosos e, portanto, a pessoa pode-se arruinar.” 
Depois de perder sua bússola moral, intelectual e espiritual, a confusa humanidade ocidental dificilmente evitará a ruína se continuar a seguir os perigosos charlatães que usurparam os assentos da primeira fila na arena pública de seu mundo moribundo.»

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2022

Dia 21, no Tarot, arcano XXI, o Mundo. Olhemos para o conflito principal pelo lado do Leste: leitura de dez notícias do dia.


 Each month the 21 is a special day, as according to the correspondence with the Tarot, XXI is the last one, the World, and it sumarizes the month. So we can spread the cards and ask inspirations or we can grasp some news that seems important, and through them make an assement of the present and foresight for the next times: 

Let us amuse with serious things as so much lying and hypocrisy are visible almost to the naked eye, like UN and Guterres unknowing who is shelling the (now) russian central nuclear: 

21 Nov, 20:29  «UN cannot determine those responsible to attacks on ZNPP

The Russian defense ministry said earlier that after a two-month pause Ukrainian troops had resumed shelling attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. At least 25 shells were fired at the plant on November 19-20 alone

UNITED NATIONS, November 21. /TASS/. The United Nations cannot determine those responsible for the attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP), Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the UN Secretary General, said on Monday.

"Well, we don't have an ability to determine the attacks. We want all of the attacks to stop," he said, adding that he shares IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi’s concerns and backs "his call for all parties to stop any firing around that plant."

The Russian defense ministry said earlier that after a two-month pause Ukrainian troops had resumed shelling attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. At least 25 shells were fired at the plant on November 19-20 alone. One of the shells hit the roof of special building No.2, which holds nuclear fuels. The attack was repelled by retaliatory fire. The radiation background around the plant is within norms.

The Zaporozhye nuclear plant is Europe’s biggest nuke plant in operation. Russia took control of it in late February, shortly after the beginning of the special military operation in Ukraine. Ever since, the plant has come under shelling by Ukrainian troops more than once. Currently, its six units are operating in a cold shutdown regime. The plant was visited by an IAEA mission in early September, leaving several employees as observers. After the visit, the organization issued a report calling for creating a security zone around the ZNPP to prevent possible emergencies due to combat operations.»


 21 Nov, 19:50 Stoltenberg and his war machine NATO, are feeling a bit shameful as they are cowards, sacrificing thousand ucranians and russians to their hate of Russia, as NATO is just an instrument of USA imperialism.

  NATO chief seeks to push Russia deeper into conflict with Ukraine — MP

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on Monday that the alliance wants to achieve a peace settlement that would be acceptable for Ukraine and to this end it should beef up arms supplies to Kiev

MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. NATO’s chief seems to want to drag Russia deeper into the conflict with Ukraine, a senior Russian lawmaker said on Monday.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told the NATO Parliamentary Assembly on Monday that the alliance wants to achieve a peace settlement that would be acceptable for Ukraine and to this end it should beef up arms supplies to Kiev.

"NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s latest statements only prove his paranoid obsession to drag Russia ever deeper into the conflict. And he interprets it as a justification for expanded supplies of military equipment and weapons to Kiev," Grigory Karasin, chairman of the international committee of Russia’s Federation Council (upper parliament house), wrote on his Telegram channel.

"So, who is to be called a war party now? I think the answer is obvious," he added.


3ª 21 Nov, 17:57. Duma to call on countries to condemn shooting of prisoners in Ukraine — lawmaker
The parliamentarian noted that the footage of the "sadistic massacre" only confirmed the Nazi nature of the regime of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky

MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. State Duma deputies are preparing a draft statement in which they intend to call on parliaments of countries around the world to condemn the actions of Ukrainian nationalists who shot Russian prisoners of war, Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, said on his Telegram channel on Monday.

"The State Duma tomorrow, on November 22, will consider and, I am sure, adopt a statement in connection with the shooting of Russian prisoners of war by Ukrainian nationalists. The draft is being prepared by the chamber's two specialized committees on defense and international affairs," he wrote.

Slutsky clarified that the deputies suggest calling on the parliaments of the countries of the world to "unambiguously condemn the atrocities of the Ukrainian Nazis (the Ukrainian armed forces - TASS) and let neither the murderers of prisoners of war nor their direct patrons get away with it."

The parliamentarian noted that the footage of the "sadistic massacre" only confirmed the Nazi nature of the regime of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. "The brutal murder of unarmed soldiers cannot go unanswered," he added. According to Slutsky, the UN, OSCE and international legal organizations are obliged to respond to the "blatant" violations of the Geneva Convention and Kiev's war crimes.

Earlier, Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case over a mass execution of captured Russian soldiers by the Ukrainian military. As the press service of the Investigative Committee said on Friday, the criminal proceedings were launched over a video showing the Ukrainian military shoot at least 11 unarmed Russian servicemen, captured on the territory of the Lugansk People’s Republic.»   

 Next day, with European Union mute, as it is sold to USA and dollar, Ukraine reply like this, in a blatant hypocrisy and lie:

22 Nov, 16:57  Ukrainian prosecutor’s office files charges against executed Russian POWs
"The Russian servicemen, pretending to surrender to Ukrainian servicemen, opened fire on the Ukrainian defenders," the prosecutor’s office claimed

KIEV, November 22. /TASS/. A Ukrainian prosecutor’s office has accused the Russian servicemen executed after surrendering to Ukrainian forces in the settlement of Makeyevka in the LPR of "perfidy" and "violating the laws of war."

"(The Ukrainian - TASS) Lugansk regional prosecutor’s office filed evidence of perfidy committed by the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the united registry of pre-trial investigations. Criminal proceedings were opened under the article on violating the laws and customs of war (Part 1, Article 438 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code)," according to a statement published on Tuesday on the Telegram channel of the office of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General.

"The Russian servicemen, pretending to surrender to Ukrainian servicemen, opened fire on the Ukrainian defenders," the prosecutor’s office claimed. "Such deeds are forbidden under international humanitarian law."

A video that shows Ukrainian soldiers shooting Russian prisoners of war lying on the ground emerged on the Internet on November 18. According to Head of Russia’s Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights (HRC), Valery Fadeyev, the execution took place in the settlement of Makeyevka in the LPR. Fadeyev branded the incident as a demonstrative and defiant crime and asserted that he would demand an international investigation. He said that the HRC would send evidence concerning the Makeyevka massacre to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, Amnesty International, the International Committee of the Red Cross and other international organizations.

Earlier, Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case over the mass shooting of captured Russian servicemen by Ukrainian troops based on a video disseminated on the Internet.»  Incredible...


21 Nov, 17:00  We may say Portugal is now a small pawn in the chess game of Europe and so it was mandated to say that Ukraine is not going to enter UE in the next years. Let us hope that Zeelensky will not fire another missil this time not for Poland but to Portugal:

 Portuguese Prime Minister says EU cannot accept new members, including Ukraine.

"The EU has very clear criteria for accepting new member states, but, unfortunately, there are no criteria for determining its own ability to accept new members. Let's be frank, under the current institutional and budgetary arrangement, the EU is unable to meet the expectations it sets," Antonio Costa said.

MADRID, November 21. /TASS/. The European Union is unable to accept new members, including Ukraine, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa said on Monday at a conference organized by CNN Portugal.

"This crisis [the Ukrainian situation] has brought the issue of [EU] enlargement to the forefront, and the issue is particularly dramatic with regard to Ukraine, and with regard to the many promises that the EU has made over the years, thus raising hope especially in the Western Balkan countries. So, the EU has very clear criteria for accepting new member states, but, unfortunately, there are no criteria for determining its own ability to accept new members," the TV channel quoted Costa as saying, "Let's be frank, under the current institutional and budgetary arrangement, the EU is unable to meet the expectations it sets".


Pavel Florensky e Sergei Boulgakof, dois mestres da filosofia e espiritualidade russa..

21 Nov, 14:30. É a Rússia a preservadora da Cultura ocidental? Pelo menos é uma das principais, e em termos de valores e ética, provavelmente a melhor..

 Russia’s mission to preserve European culture, says film director Konchalovsky

"I think that Russia’s mission is to preserve European culture, and not let it die. Russia is not only an inheritor of Europe’s great culture, but, maybe, today it is its only and main champion," he stressed
                                 Andrey Konchalovsky Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS
                                                Andrey Konchalovsky
                                                © Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. Russia’s mission is to preserve the golden age of European culture, as Russia may be its sole remaining guardian, Russian world-renowned film director Andrey Konchalovsky said on Monday.

"I think that Russia’s mission is to preserve European culture, and not let it die. Russia is not only an inheritor of Europe’s great culture, but, maybe, today it is its only and main champion," he said in a video address to the participants of a roundtable meeting at the Russian State Duma (lower parliament house) dedicated to the establishment of the public movement Russia’s Cultural Front.

The director noted that he supports the idea of such a movement and is set to join it. "Russia will be carrying the flag of European civilization for the world," he stressed.

World-famous conductor and artistic director of St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev voiced support for the idea of establishing such a movement. "Only by becoming united, we, people of culture, can withstand the aggressive intrusion of the alien evil anti-culture," he said.

According to writer Zakhar Prilepin, Russia is in a situation where cultural institutions are not attuned to share people’s problems and hardships. "They are set up to derive profit this or that way, often thriving on human foibles, entertaining and amusing people," he said, adding that there is demand for a different kind of cultural content in society and added that there are people in the country who are ready to create such content.

Musician Yury Bashmet also welcomed the establishment of Russia’s Cultural Front. "It is important, timely and valuable. <…> Russia and Russian culture should preserve their deep roots - we have incredibly strong traditions," he said.

Dmitry Pevstsov, a film and theater actor and a member of the Russian State Duma, also supported the idea of such a movement. "We need prohibitive measures, censorship. We need expert councils, but what is most important - we need to cultivate new seedlings of contemporary Russian culture and art, which have managed to surface through the concrete of these last 30 years. We must help them, finance them, nourish and cherish them," he stressed.

                                              ******   .


21 Nov, 15:47. Rússia, celeiro da Europa e do mundo mais necessitado:

Russia is helping and will continue helping countries facing food deficit — Putin

The country is providing itself with the majority of commodities important for food security, the head of state noted

NOVO-OGAREVO, November 21. /TASS/. Russia will continue providing help to countries facing the food shortage due to the West’s reckless policy, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

"We are helping and will continue helping countries facing the food deficit due to imbalances that are the result of unadvised - without any exaggeration, unprofessional policy of certain Western countries," the President said.

The country is providing itself with the majority of commodities important for food security, the head of state noted.

"We are supporting the food security by the majority of key parameters at present: grain, sugar, vegetable oil, fish products and plenty of other components," the President said. "I would like to separately highlight successes of our producers of meat and meat products. Further to domestic market saturation, our animal breeding and poultry breeding companies are exporting their products to more than 110 countries," Putin added.


 7ª  21 Nov, 12:45.  O perigo de explosão nuclear em Zaporozhye, indirecta, causada pelos extremistas ucranianos continua a acontecer...

Rosatom CEO warns of nuclear disaster risk at Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

The Russian Defense Ministry recently reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had resumed shelling attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant after a two-month break

SOCHI, November 21. /TASS/. A chance of a nuclear disaster at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant exists, Rosatom Chief Executive Officer Alexey Likhachev told reporters.

"We are informing the international community that the plant is at risk of a nuclear disaster and Kiev clearly believes that a small nuclear incident would be acceptable. However, radiation won’t ask Kiev what kind of incident it wants. It will be a precedent that will change the course of history forever. So everything possible needs to be done to make sure that no one can even think of damaging the security of nuclear power plants," he pointed out.

The Russian Defense Ministry recently reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had resumed shelling attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant after a two-month break. According to the ministry, Ukrainian forces fired 25 munitions at the facility on November 19-20, with one of them hitting the roof of Special Building No 2, where nuclear fuel is stored. The attackers were suppressed by return fire, and radiation levels remain normal around the power plant, the ministry added.

The Zaporozhye NPP is Europe’s largest operating nuclear power plant. Russia took control of the facility on February 28, in the first days of its special military operation in Ukraine, and the nuclear power plant continued to operate normally. An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission led by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi visited the Zaporozhye nuclear plant in early September and several IAEA employees remained at the site as observers. The agency later published a report calling for the creation of a safety zone around the plant to prevent accidents caused by military activities.


8ª  21 Nov, 12:21. Um caso que mostrou o estado de alienação dos jornalistas, comentadores e políticos ocidentais foi o do pretenso míssil russo que atacando ou caindo na Polónia "iria gerar" a 3ª grande guerra, como os comentadores e políticos mais vendidos, zelensquiados e russófobos desejavam. Pois o presidente da Bielorússia, Lukashenko, esclareceu de vez o caso, embora a comissão de inquérito polaca esteja a trabalhar e tenha recusado a participação ucraniana, que teima ainda em atribuí-lo aos russos, como fez em Bucha e faz na central nuclear. Faz lembrar, mas ao contrário, os dinanmarqueses que negaram aos russos o direito de participarem na investigação ao ataque terrorista anglo-americano, como a "defunta" Luz Truss confirmou por telefone, um minuto depois da explosão, ao governante norte-americano na sombra Anthony Blinken...

Missile incident in Poland was provocation against Minsk, Moscow — Lukashenko

"The leadership of Poland is now obliged to tell the Poles how it happened, why the territory of Poland was hit, who plotted this, why that missile, allegedly fired eastwards, suddenly made a U-turn to fly west, and why it was launched at a moment when there were no Russian missiles in the air," the Belarusian leader said
                                 Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Mikhail Metzel/POOL/TASS
                                       Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
                                        © Mikhail Metzel/POOL/TASS

MINSK, November 21. /TASS/. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said that the incident involving a missile that was launched by the Ukrainian military and fell in Poland early last week was an intentional provocation against Minsk and Moscow.

"They got into hot water and are now trying, like sneaky thieves, to have this subject closed. It is no longer discussed even in the West. Well, this is just the beginning. They, both Poles and Ukrainians, regret it was not a Russian missile. They needed a provocation against us, they needed an escalation," Lukashenko said on Monday at a meeting with the head of the Udmurt Republic, Alexander Brechalov, the BelTA news agency reports.

With regard to the incident in Poland, he stressed, no one asks this simple question: "What kind of a crazy missile was that? The Ukrainian military [if they are to be believed] fired it eastward, aiming at Russian missiles flying from the east, but it somehow turned around and flew back in the opposite direction?"

"Why was that alleged attack against a NATO state - and that’s the way the incident was presented at first - timed exactly for the G20 summit? You know, I’m cautious enough not to rush to conclusions, but it looks like collusion all right. But they had miscalculated a little - some people got killed," Lukashenko said. "The leadership of Poland is now obliged to tell the Poles how it happened, why the territory of Poland was hit, who plotted this, why that missile, allegedly fired eastwards, suddenly made a U-turn to fly west, and why it was launched at a moment when there were no Russian missiles in the air."

"Things like that never happen by accident. The main question, to which no one answers and about which the Americans keep quiet, is this: at that very moment, when the Ukrainians were launching the S-300 missile, what targets were they aiming at? At that time there were no missiles in the air. They are silent. And the Americans are silent, they don’t say anything. Because they understand that we control this territory, too. And we see something here," Lukashenko said.

In connection with the situation, he made a positive comment on US President Joe Biden’s reaction: "Well done, Joe Biden. He must be given credit for saying honestly: ‘Sorry, it was not Russian [the missile that fell on the territory of Poland]’."

  9ª 21 Nov, 09:10.   Que Karma,  os neocons e os warmongers extremistas do governo polaco, na sua fúria anti-russa e na sua ganância de serem um exército muito poderoso na Europa,  estarão a criar contra o seu povo?
 Poland pushes for isolating Russia as much as possible, senior diplomat says
The Polish OSCE Chairmanship earlier announced that Russia had been invited to a OSCE Ministerial Meeting set to be held in Lodz on December 1-2 as invitations were always sent to all OSCE member states

WARSAW, November 21. /TASS/. The Polish authorities denied Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov the opportunity to attend the 29th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) because they believe that Russia must be isolated as much as possible, Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister Pawel Jablonski told Polish Television on Monday.

"In our view, Russia now must be isolated to the fullest possible extent on all international platforms. That is why this decision was made," he said, commenting on Warsaw’s refusal to allow Lavrov to participate in the OSCE event.

According to Jablonski, "it is a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, that is, of the countries that find it important to ensure security in Europe." "However, Russia opposes these efforts as its interests are diametrically opposed to those of the organization," the Polish diplomat noted.

The Polish OSCE Chairmanship earlier announced that Russia had been invited to a OSCE Ministerial Meeting set to be held in Lodz on December 1-2 as invitations were always sent to all OSCE member states. News emerged at the end of last week that the Polish Foreign Ministry had denied entry to Russia’s delegation led by Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The Russian Foreign Ministry slammed the move as unprecedented, inflammatory and incompatible with the status of the organization’s chairmanship. Russian Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich will head the country’s delegation to the meeting in the wake of Warsaw’s decision. On November 16, news broke that the Polish Foreign Ministry had refused to issue visas to the Russian lawmakers who had planned to attend the fall session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Warsaw on November 24-26.



 10ª  21 Nov, 01:12    A manhã começou com um ataque do governo da Coreia do Norte contra a parcialidade das Nações Unidas, pois o secretário geral da Organizaçã, o português António Guterres, condenou o lançamento de um missil norte-coreano, mas não os disparados pelos norte-americanos e sul-coreanos nos exercícios militares que acabaram de fazer:

North Korean foreign minister calls UN chief `puppet of US’ after ICBM launch — KCNA

This clearly proves that he is a puppet of the US, North Korea’s Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui said

SEOUL, November 21. /TASS/. North Korea’s Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui expressed her regret over UN chief Antonio Guterres’ condemnation of the situation around the Korean Peninsula and called him "a puppet of the United States," the country’s official KCNA news agency reported on Monday.

"The [UN] secretary-general connived at the fact that the US and its vassal forces were referring the DPRK's exercise of its inviolable sovereignty to the UN Security Council to put pressure on it. This clearly proves that he is a puppet of the US," she said.

"I often take the U.N. secretary-general for a member of the US White House or its State Department. I express my strong regret over the fact that the UN secretary-general has taken a very deplorable attitude, oblivious of the purpose and principles of the UN Charter and its proper mission which is to maintain impartiality, objectivity and equity in all matters," North Korea’s top diplomat said. She referred to a November 18 remark by Guterres, who, she said, called "the just exercise of the DPRK’s right to self-defense yet another provocation."

The North Korean diplomat pointed to "provocative nuclear war rehearsals" by the United States and its allies in the past year. "Nevertheless, the UN secretary-general shifted the blame for the case onto the DPRK rather than the US," Choe Son Hui lamented.

On Friday, Guterres condemned the launch of yet another ICBM by North Korea and called on Pyongyang to resume dialogue for peace on the Korean Peninsula.»