sexta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2024

Expansion of consciousness, experiences of unity, enlightened beings, and the humble path for us.

The process of approaching, getting or entering into the One, or opening our consciousness to its universal dimension, or to its spirit, so much spoken or extoled by spiritual seekers or teachers, is quite subtle and misterious, and doesn't go or stay in a very straight line in our paths, working mostly on patterns of particles and waves, rytms and cycles. And may be we should to meditate more or get a deeper understanding of that alternating pattern of matter in differents realms of our lives, helping us to dissolve cristalizations on particles-ideas-doctrines and particular situations, and enter a more fluidic awareness, as for example, liberating us from attachments and identificating us with the smooth path of the waves,  as the riples of the alchemical stone of our mantrans entering in the ocean and almost reaching the extreme sea shore of the universal mind, where all of us are contained and in subtle ways entangled, in a fanthomless One.  

May be for these higher states of expansion would be better first of all to enter in the silent waves of inner listening, as it is a good way to experience or live the mythical music of spheres or particles, or the voice of consciousness, as we  subdue our thought waves to a state of silence, receptivity, listening and tunning to the harmonies and messages of the spiritual cosmos, that then it is a living inner experience.

We have so to use with much attention and reverence the words One or Universal Consciousness, or the Universal Spirit, specially in the sense of meaning to become one with That. May be we should more humbly and discard theoretical doctrines and to say: my aproach, my feeling, my intuition or realization of that incomensurable One or Universal Consciousness, or Holy Spirit is this one: and so, so, so...

But some people proclaim that they achieved that state of union, that they have become enlightened. We can see that mostly in the advaita vedanta tradition, either with indian gurus either with western gurus. and they are almost 100% faking a impossible realization for them, easily seen as their knowledge is so limited.

There is in fact many levels in the Universe, and very few have acess to their deepest and highest. And so to attain union or unity with the One, or divine Being or the Absolute is in fact impossible for a normal human being, even if pretending to be enligthened.

For normal human beings there are many available levels of expansion of consciousnes, or having an artistic, creative or spiritual experience of unity with someone or whatever.
Sometimes we can become one with someone trough love, or more  become one with the room where we stay, or the horizont we contemplate. But these experiences have just a limited level of unity, mostly the one of feeling, as  there is a merging of the subtle bodies of eteric and emotional energies enclosed in us, in the room or in nature.

Sometimes we can go beyond the boundaries of windows and feel really the omnipresent spirit in the space, may be some kilometers beyond. It will be a stronger expansion of the suble body of consciousness, or even of the spiritual body.

Other times we can encompass the orbit of the planet, or even get some glimpses of the distant planets, stars and the cosmic space realms, but they are just momentaneous visions or intuitions attained by the opening of the spiritual eye, surely by some merits and graces.
Naturally we should accept the possibility of some people being able to be much of their time, or better when they want, in that expanded awareness, but they are very, very, few. The true masters..
So may be the one of the important questions is to be more transparent and open to what surrounds us, and in the meditations with that Universal Consciousness or Divine Spirit that has to be attained within...

Should we do some meditations and aspirations, as the indian devotees, the bhaktas or dvaitic seekers, not only to their chosen deity or loved face of God (the ishta devata), but also to the universal truth or to the One,  in order that this highest level became more ingrained in ourselves and potencialize a better unfolding of our stream of thinking, wishing, doing and being, from wich results a subdueing or refinnement of the ego, so easily nurtured in the diversity of the Manifestation, and the manifestation of the spirit within?

I think so, and also that in order to have better acess to the Universal consciousnes may be is good to think and dialogue with friends, for example in the case of the ones partaking of this coloquy, that are like points of light in the networking of the Universal consciousness at this particular moment, and that could enter more deeper in the realiations here mentioned

We are not so isolated and the limitating powers of the ego are not so strong. Through our prayers, mantra, meditations, breathing energies with awareness and planetarian satsanga with friends or seekers, I feel we can help the transformation of mankind, and open more subtle avenues and networks, or even neural pathways in the planetarian consciounes, outside and inside us, and so we can open ourselves to higher levels of communnion between us and the higher realms of the love-wisdom being, Mahat or Logos, or the Intelectus Mundi, or the brotherhood of the masters and angels.

From that level we can receive some sparklings, some glimpses from the spiritual levels, approaching the One, the Divine Source. These signs of union come trough the spiritual and subtle bodies as light, sound, peace, love, insights, voice. And then the inner state of the soul is deeper and more harmonized, and even the flow of thoughts, projects, actions become more ordered to the truth, to the Spirit, to the Universal One, to the Primordial Being.

So let us be more modest, and more lucid, and discard the ego trips of so many instructors and gurus teaching high secrets,  sharing an imaginay enlightnement or posing as avatars of the Divine, and let us work humbly in silence approaching the inner master and spirit.

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