Sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipelines, by Lt. Col. Ralph Bossard, Swizerland,
points to the fact that USA is most probably the terrorist number one, entering in a new low level of the international standarts of respect of ´laws and civlians infrastructures. Simultaneously, their hypocrsy is too much, as they don't confess the authorship by one side, but by other, Anthony Blinken, one the most greedy man of the Deep State, could not stop his excitement in a tweet that is "a tremendous opportunity" for us. Beyond their low level of souls, natural in their associations with murders and extremists, the opportunity is mostly for exploring their so called allies, friends but, in truth, slaves and competitors to squeeze and freeze: the European Union and specially Germany, as even the gallows Olaf Scholz admitted and beg mercy from them, with the aggravation of being told by CIA in April or May that the terrorist blowing was being prepared and would happen without doubts or mercy, as it has been publicized by the courageous journalist and former member of UK Parliament, George Galloway...
What will be their Karma, for such a long historial of wars, war crimes, terrorism, sanctions, expoliations, color revolutions, false flags, detention of journalists, murders, like the one of the hero and defeater of Isil, General Soleiman, beyond their infinite arrogance and hubris?
Others analysts speak of collaboration of Danmark and Sweden, or even Poland, all very natural as they are part of NATO, the main instigator of the war on Russia. Still many people and brainwashing media pointed the finger to Russia, in a such absurd accusation.
The energetic, economic and social consequences for Europe and specially for Germany are very bad, but the enslaved chanceler of Germany Olaf Scholz didn't say anything, completely mocked by USA greedy imperialism. He went to Saudi Arabia beg some oil, but it seems the Gulf countries know already where is justice and strenght and will not curb so much more to the USA dolar or its slave the Euro, and gave him just a tanker, not a panzer, and a bit of humiliation...
So, a cold and dark winter is expected in Europe as well as popular manifestations against the inepr governments, as life will be much more difficult with all the consequences of the stupid sanctions decided and imposed already eight times by the foolishness of Ursula and Burrel...
How long this autocratic elite will survive lavishly at the cost of their citizens, how long the police man will half-blind the yellow vests, following, for example, the orders of the insensible, sadic and warmonger Macron, or the heavy Olaf Sholz, no one knows, but confrontations it will happen surely, and Italian people, also, will not be soft on their protests against USA and Ukraine excepcionalism...
In the meantime Ursula van Leyden, a superficial and vain woman, continues to be a kind of caniche of USA, Soros, Schwab, Gates, Rothschild and the dark forces of the opressive transhumanization and globalization in a new World Order.
And it is these dark forces that Russia is fighting, as the true defender of the traditional values of Western world or even Mankind. Still they are appointed by the corrupt and alienated media, as the evil ones.
Anyway, let us wait to see what comes out of the so many investigations on the causes of the explosion, and have confidence that truth shall prevail for the good of Mankind, even if Sweden, that is leading the investigation has refused Russia, to be part, what is probably a sign and maniestation of their hate to Russia and to the truth....
Lets us remember anyway, to finish this portuguese contextualization, that both two of the top warmongers of USA, as Bolton and Blinken are not included, Joseph Biden and Victoria Noland, had promised publicly that if there was an invasion of Russia to liberate the ethnic russians opressed in East Ukraine, there would be not more Nord Stream. The one of Biden was made on 6 February 2022, exactly to Olaf Scholz..
And so it happened. We are in fact in a III great war, for the moment very disguised by NATO-USA indirect or not assumed intervention...
Let us now, if you want, read the technical expertise of this high rank
officer of the Armed Forces of Swizerland, and so naturaly very neutral and diplomat (althoug not ecological, as he doesn't speak about the bad consequences in the aerea), extracted from VK. com, an important free platform, alternative to the so much full of censorship Facebook:
To counter loose speculation on the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard of the Swiss Army has written for EIR an authoritative analysis of the requirements for such a sabotage. An expert on countering cyber war, Colonel Bosshard during 2014-2017 served in the peacekeeping mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Ukraine. In 2014, as Senior Planning Officer in the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, he was in Kiev, Mariupol, and Dnipropetrovsk. Until 2017 he served as Special Military Adviser to the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OSCE, and to the Swiss Ambassador to Kiev. From 2017 to 2020, Colonel Bosshard was Operations Officer in the OSCE High-Level Planning Group, planning for a military peacekeeping operation in the South Caucasus. Subheads are the author’s.
Sept. 28—«Speculation is currently rife as to who was responsible for the sabotage attack on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines off the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. While some Western commentators are already asking the question of “cui bono?” (who benefits?) and are feverishly looking for hints of a false flag operation by the Russians,[fn_1]others are reminding us of those who, months ago, desperately sought to prevent the Nord Stream 2 from being commissioned. So far, only the time and place of the events, that were unanimously identified as acts of sabotage, are really clear. This lets some press representatives imagine such an act of sabotage to be a little easier than it should be in fact.
On Sept. 26, Nord Stream AG announced on its website in Zug, Switzerland, that a pressure drop had occurred in both legs of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines the night before.[fn_2]

A second pressure drop occurred on the evening of Sept. 26. According to Nord Stream AG, these events can only be explained by the physical destruction of the lines. Based on the recordings by measuring devices for detecting earthquakes around the Baltic Sea, Danish and Swedish seismologists were able to clarify without a doubt that the seismic waves came from explosions and not from earthquakes, and they were able to give the exact times.[fn_3] Meanwhile, photos from the Danish Air Force have confirmed large amounts of gas rising to the sea surface at these locations (Figure 1).
Reliability of the Information
The identified fields of gas bubbles in the Baltic Sea certainly correspond exactly to the location of the explosions on the seabed, because the drift of the rising gas cannot be large at this shallow water depth. In comparison, the seismologists’ information about the epicenter of the detected explosions is somewhat imprecise, which is probably due to the precision limits of the measuring devices used.
The sites of the explosions are just outside Danish territorial waters: Apparently, Denmark was to be prevented from interpreting the acts of sabotage as a direct threat. For the same reason, care was probably taken to ensure that the acts of sabotage took place outside of a training area of the Danish Navy. The leak in Nord Stream 2 southeast of Bornholm is almost 30 km from the island, and the one in Nord Stream 1 over 50 km away. Despite the currently mild Autumn weather in the region and the water temperatures of around 15 degrees [Centigrade], access to the two natural gas pipelines is a challenge, because Autumn storms are not uncommon in the Baltic Sea from September onward.[fn_4]
Professionals at Work
The pipelines are at a depth of 70 and 88 meters at these locations. Diving at this depth requires the use of different mixtures of oxygen with other gases such as nitrogen and helium, the use of special diving equipment if necessary, compliance with decompression stops, and the rapid availability of decompression chambers in the event of an accident.
All this excludes sabotage by recreational divers, because diving under these conditions requires special training and equipment. Professionals were probably at work here. For such professionals, however, diving depths of 70-90 m do not represent a problem, so there is a good chance that meaningful information on the type of demolition can be obtained in the coming weeks. Whoever destroyed the natural gas pipelines can expect incriminating evidence literally to come to light.
Specially modified submarines are able to release and retrieve divers through their torpedo tubes or through special hatches without them having to make time-consuming decompression stops when surfacing. For this purpose, such submarines are equipped with a decompression chamber in which divers make up for the decompression stops, so to speak, until they can move around in the submarine again at normal pressure. Here you can also relax between dives. However, decompression chambers could also be installed on smaller ships disguised as sea rescue ships.
Nord Stream 2 was built according to the specifications of Det Norske Veritas (DNV)[fn_5]: the pipes of the Nord Stream 2 are made of special steel L485/X70 with portions of copper, chromium, molybdenum, manganese and other metals; have an inner diameter of 1,153 mm; and are 26.8 to 41 mm thick.[fn_6]
They are designed reliably to withstand an internal pressure of 170-220 PSIG [pounds per square inch, gauge, or relative to atmospheric pressure—ed.] at a depth of up to 220 m for years to come. In addition to their already strong construction, DNV requirements require the steel pipes to be concrete-coated and buried in the seabed, covered with sand or rubble, or covered with a so-called mattress of some other material.
Large Amount of Materials
In order to completely blow up the Nord Stream’s steel pipe alone, a quantity of at least 20 kg of explosives is required, which must fit snugly against the pipe so that its effect does not fizzle out. In addition, there are the explosives that are necessary to destroy the concrete casing: in terms of quantity, this could be even more than that for the steel pipe itself. However, this means that the perpetrators had to first uncover the pipeline and clear the pipeline cover to the side, to ensure that slipping material cannot slip into the leak created [by the explosion —ed.] and close it.
If the perpetrators did not bother to remove the covering in front of the pipeline before detonating, then they would have to use a correspondingly larger explosive charge. That could soon amount to several hundred kilograms of explosives. These figures refer to very high explosives from the military sector. Civilian explosives often deliberately achieve lower explosion speeds and then require a correspondingly larger quantity.
The pressure of the escaping gas may have contributed to the seismic fingerprint that the Danish and Swedish scientists found. If the perpetrators had wanted to cause a secondary explosion of the natural gas still in the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, they would have had to inject even larger amounts of oxygen. At a depth of 80 m, this is a complex project, because a pressure of 8-9 PSIG has to be overcome.
An explosion of 28 tons of conventional explosives in the Negev Desert in Israel in 2004 caused an earthquake measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale.[fn_7] When the Russian submarine Kursk sank, scientists recorded a first explosion of 70-100 kg of TNT 4,500 km away, followed by a second of 3-7 tons.[fn_8] One should think of such magnitudes when talking about blowing up the two pipelines in the Baltic Sea.
The robust construction and difficult accessibility of natural gas pipelines in general, even on land, mean that operators and authorities in the countries concerned usually do without a complete monitoring of such pipelines. It would be much easier for a saboteur to hit one of the above-ground gas supply facilities.
Whoever blew up the two gas pipelines had to put in a lot of technical effort and spend a lot of time on the object. The extensive work cannot be done with a few frogmen, and the delivery of explosives, oxygen bottles and tools required efficient means of transport. This cannot be done with inflatable boats.
The high expenditure of materials and time, in connection with the difficulty of access to the natural gas pipelines, suggests that the perpetrators had been working at the crime scene for a long time and were present with ships or boats during this time. It’s a wonder they didn’t arouse suspicion, so close to Danish territorial waters and a Danish Navy training area. Military personnel usually react with suspicion to the presence of strangers near their training areas.
At the same time, the water depth of 70 and 88 m is a strong argument against the use of submarines to prepare the detonation, because large submarines in particular prefer to operate in deeper waters, especially when we are dealing with presumably well-monitored waters such as the Baltic Sea. However, the deepest waters of the Baltic Sea are found in the Gotland Basin, as well as north and west of the island of Åland, several hundred kilometers from Bornholm. In the search for the perpetrators, it will probably be necessary to look for smaller ships rather than submarines.
War on the Seabed
In recent years, the seabed has increasingly become a battlefield of the great powers. It is known that the U.S.A., China, Russia and France are running seabed warfare programs in order to protect their own underwater infrastructure and to attack that of the enemy. Small submarines and unmanned underwater vehicles (drones) play an important role here. These are usually brought to their place of use by large submarines. The U.S.A. and Russia converted existing submarines into such mother boats and also deployed some completely new crafts for this purpose. But also surface units such as reconnaissance ships—often referred to as spy ships—can deploy such unmanned devices at the scene of action.[fn_9]
So far, submarine drones in particular have primarily fulfilled tasks of intelligence gathering and counter-intelligence service, for example by deploying sonar buoys[fn_10] and “de-bugging” bug-infested telecommunications cables. Cutting cables underwater is also part of their range of skills.[fn_11] However, the ability to carry out extensive work under water has not been under consideration so far, because the autonomy of unmanned underwater vehicles has so far been limited. This limitation excludes long journeys from the base to the site of operation.[fn_12]
Well-Monitored Baltic Sea

Even today, the Baltic Sea is well monitored. In addition to hydro-acoustic sensors found on board warships of all kinds, numerous sensors on the coast are likely to be used to monitor shipping traffic. In addition, there are surveillance flights by sea reconnaissance aircraft and anti-submarine warfare aircraft from interested states. The night before the attack on Nord Stream 2, for example, a U.S. P-8A Poseidon maritime reconnaissance aircraft was in the region (Figure 2).
And just as the first explosion occurred, sometime between 01:32 and 02:20 a.m. on Sept. 26, an unidentified aircraft was being refueled by a U.S. KC-135 tanker in northeastern Poland. While the tanker came from Frankfurt, all that is known of the refueled aircraft is that it was first detected that night off the Faroe Islands and that it “disappeared” off Bornholm at 03:05 a.m., probably because it switched off its transponder. At this time it was flying at an altitude of approx. 7,200 feet (= 2,200 m) at a speed of 825 km/h (446 knots). This is unusual behavior for an aircraft over the open sea (Figure 3).[fn_13]

As things stand, it can almost only have been a U.S. long-range reconnaissance aircraft. Remarkably, not even its identity is known; even sea reconnaissance aircraft use transponder signals to identify themselves in dense airspace. However, it is questionable whether the crew of the unknown U.S. plane can do much to clarify the sabotage attacks, because the explosive charges on the gas pipelines may have been lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea for a long time. But the example shows that surveillance of the Baltic Sea is tight and that ships from far outside the region would find it difficult to operate in the region unnoticed for any length of time.
‘Stop, Thief’?
This raises a completely different question than the question of who is to benefit: Who finds it easier to carry out such an act of sabotage? If it was the Russian Navy that carried out an extensive sabotage operation in the middle of a sea area surrounded by NATO countries or candidate countries, 300 km from the nearest Russian naval base, then the Russians would have made NATO look ridiculous. That would have been an impressive demonstration of Russian seabed warfare capabilities. The Russians could have accomplished the mere destruction of Nord Stream 1 and 2—without any demonstration effect—much more easily on their doorstep in the Gulf of Finland.
In contrast, it were much easier for NATO: Only in June, the U.S. 6th Fleet, together with its NATO partners, carried out exercises just off Bornholm in which unmanned underwater vehicles were also tested.[fn_14] The “BALTOPS 22” exercise could have been used as a test run or as a camouflage backdrop for installing explosive devices on the natural gas pipelines. Of course, there is currently no evidence of authorship by either side, and a truly independent investigation is unlikely to ever take place. But the unbiased observer has a question: Is a thief shouting “Stop, thief”?»
End of the article,
In fact, no. Russians, and their friends, are not the thieves and so they can shout: "Stop the thieves", but USA-Nato, Zelensky, Ursula and even FMI are the all stubborn arrogant thieves and so the Divine Beings and Forces of this Universe, as well the free men and women of Mankind, will have to endure in order to prevent them of their dark objectives. Meantime passive reactions to the inepts politicians and their worst consequences are not better than to laugh:
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Certamente dois dos terroristas mentores principais e grandes amigos |
Ursula e Borrel, Olaf Scholz e Annalena, grandes chefes da União Europeia semi-defunta, continuam caladinhos como ratas e ratos...
Na quinta-feira, Nuland dissera que "a administração [dos EUA] está muito satisfeita em saber que o Nord Stream 2 não estará a funcionar."

[fn_1] See, for example, Deutsche Welle’s contribution with experts, and that of Tucker Carlson on his Sept. 27 Fox News Show, as reported Sept. 28 by LifeSiteNews. [back to text for fn_1]
[fn_2] See Nord Stream’s press release of Sept. 26 and its update from Sept. 27. [back to text for fn_2]
[fn_3] See map. For the location of the explosions, see this map. Information for seafarers from the Danish maritime authorities is available here. Information from the seismologists is available in an article posted Sept. 26 on the VolcanoDiscovery website. [back to text for fn_3]
[fn_4] Information on Baltic Sea water temperatures, climate data, and weather are available here from Weather data is also available here from, for the Baltic Sea off Bornholm. [back to text for fn_4]
[fn_5] See “Offshore Standard Det Norske Veritas DNV-OS-F101 Submarine Pipeline Systems January 2000,” available here, especially page 31. [If that website is blocked, then here —ed.] Det Norske Veritas (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation dedicated to protecting life, property and the environment at sea and on land. DNV provides classification, certification and verification services related to the quality of ships, offshore units and facilities, and onshore industries worldwide and conducts research in these areas. [Translator’s note: The independent Norwegian foundation, Det Norske Veritas, or DNV, was established in 1864. At that time, the shipping of goods and passengers was not very reliable. To reduce the uncertainties, a committee was formed to evaluate and regulate the classification of ships. DNV’s goal is therefore to establish criteria that guarantee the safety of ocean-going vessels.] [back to text for fn_5]
[fn_6] See Nord Stream facts and figures here. and here. [back to text for fn_6]
[fn_7] See the article, “Powerful Explosion Commissioned by Israeli Seismologists,” in Neue Zürcher Zeitung of June 18, 2004. [back to text for fn_7]
[fn_8] See the corresponding article, “Seismologists Analyze Explosions on the Kursk,” in Die Welt of Jan. 16, 2001. [back to text for fn_8]
[fn_9] An overview of Russian submarines for seabed warfare can be found here on H.I. Sutton’s blogsite. As a surface unit, the Russian reconnaissance ship Yantar should also have the appropriate means. See H.I. Sutton’s article from 2017 on the Yantar, “Russian Ship Loitering Near Undersea Cables.” The U.S. Virginia class Block VI attack submarines will all be equipped with means of seabed warfare, according to an article, “Navy New Virginia Block VI Virginia Attack Boat Will Inform SSN(X), posted Nov. 20, 2020 on USNI News. [back to text for fn_9]
[fn_10] Following the U.S. Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) system for monitoring the world’s oceans during the Cold War, Russia has now also implemented a network of hydro-acoustic sensors in the form of the “Garmoniya system.” More on hydro-acoustic systems is available here. [back to text for fn_10]
[fn_11] These include the Klavesin-1R, the Vityaz-D, and the Poseidon on the Russian side; more information is available in an article, “Russian Autonomous Uninhabited Underwater Vehicles for Military and Civil Purposes: A Brief Overview,” posted Sept. 9, 2021 on the Integral website. [back to text for fn_11]
[fn_12] See the Flight Radar 24 home page. [back to text for fn_12]
[fn_14] See the article, “BALTOPS 22: A Perfect Opportunity for Research and Testing New Technology,” posted June 12, 2022 on NATO’s Naval Striking and Support Forces website. [back to text for fn_14]
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Portuguese idea, from Milhazes, Rogeiro and Mendes, top best-worsts comentators on TV |
On 10-VI-2023, from
A new report has revealed that the sabotage team that carried out the attack on Russia’s Nord Stream natural gas pipeline had used Polish territory as its operational base.
German investigators are examining evidence suggesting that the Andromeda yacht may have been involved in the sabotage of the pipelines that supply Russian gas to Europe, the US-based Wall Street Journal daily reported Saturday.
Citing data from the radio and navigation equipment of Andromeda as well as Gmail accounts “and DNA samples left on board, which Germany has tried to match to at least one Ukrainian soldier,” the report further states that the investigators found that the suspected 15-meter-long white pleasure yacht had deviated from its course to venture into Polish territorial waters.
The ship allegedly cruised around each of the locations where the explosions subsequently occurred, they added.
Germany’s Federal Criminal Police Office and Poland’s Office of Chancellery of the Prime Minister have declined to comment.
This comes as the Washington Post, citing leaked information, reported on Tuesday that the CIA learned in June 2022 through a European spy agency that a six-person Ukrainian special forces team intended to blow up the pipelines.
On September 26, 2022, three huge gas leaks, preceded by a series of explosions, occurred on both Nord Stream 1 and the newly built Nord Stream 2 pipelines.
Following the blasts, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden conducted investigations, with all three countries having barred Russia from participating in the probes.»
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Victoria Nuland, one of the worst monsters, vampires.. |
Last informations, through, on14-VI-2023:
«Dutch military intelligence warned Washington about the Ukrainian plot to blow up Nord Stream, months before the attack on the gas pipelines, according to reports.
The Dutch military intelligence agency, MIVD, received information about an "imminent attack" on Nord Stream from an anonymous source in Ukraine in June, three months before a series of underwater explosions took place last September, according to a joint investigation by Dutch and German news outlets published Tuesday.
According to the plan received by the MIVD, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny, commanded the operation against the Nord Stream, in which a small team of divers was traveling on a yacht, and was scheduled to take place in mid-June 2022.
According to the reports, the Dutch intelligence services then informed the US, which contacted Ukraine through the CIA to warn them.
Last September, the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, which connect Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea, were hit by two explosions in what Swedish and Danish authorities called deliberate sabotage. Although Russia was quickly blamed for the explosion, the cause of the incident has not been identified yet.»
Em Novembro 10-11, uma nova versão veio ao de cima das águas tão perturbadas internacionais e indica a autoria da explosão a um pequeno grupo de militares ucranianos. A investigação é de um jornal norte-americano e de um alemão, pró-Ocidente-Nato-USA, pelo que podem ser certeiros já que confirmam num dos aliados desse eixo a autoria. Retiro da
The investigation carried out by The Washington Post newspaper and German outlet Der Spiegel, published on Saturday, named Roman Chervinsky, 48, as the Ukrainian officer behind the operation.
Chervinsky led the six-man sabotage team that rented a boat and used diving equipment to place explosives on the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, according to the Post.
It added that Chervinsky took his orders from more senior Ukrainian officials, who ultimately reported to General Valerii Zaluzhny, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
However, Ukraine’s President Volodimir Zelensky and other Ukrainian officials have repeatedly denied Kiev’s role in the blast on September 26, 2022, which knocked out three of the four strings of the Nord Stream network off the coast of the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea.
Zelensky told Germany’s Bild newspaper in June that he would never do such an act.
“I would never do that,” he [o comediante] said, adding that he would “like to see proof.”
Experts, however, say the bombing of the pipelines, which transferred gas from Russia to Germany, benefited Kiev by severely impacting Russia’s revenue from the sale of natural gas to Western Europe.
Earlier reports had said the bombing of the pipelines had been directly ordered by US President Joe Biden and carried out by the CIA with the help of the US Navy.
The White House and the CIA also denied any involvement in the blast.»
Quando demitirão este comediante megalómano e insensivel à morte de tantos eslavos? |

O semanário Dzerkalo Tyzhnia (Espelho da Semana) citou o advogado de defesa Konstantin Globa, dizendo que, a 19 de abril, a detenção de Chervinsky no centro de detenção preventiva expirou, mas o tribunal recusou-se a analisar o seu caso. Também não fixou a data da próxima audiência, após a qual o seu cliente foi novamente levado para o centro de detenção preventiva n.º 14. Nem a sua mulher nem os seus advogados foram autorizados a ver Chervynsky nesse centro. Os advogados de defesa de Chervinsky argumentam que ele foi raptado, diz o jornal.
Chervinsky foi preso em abril de 2023 sob a acusação de abuso de poder. De acordo com os investigadores, tinha decidido sozinho, sem pedir a aprovação do Serviço de Segurança da Ucrânia (SBU) ou dos serviços secretos militares, recrutar um piloto russo com o objetivo de se apoderar de um avião militar russo. Na sequência de uma fuga de dados sobre a colocação de pessoal e equipamento ucraniano no aeródromo de Kanatovo, a instalação foi alvo de um ataque russo. O comandante da unidade militar foi morto, 17 militares ficaram feridos, dois caças foram destruídos e a pista ficou danificada. O Serviço Federal de Segurança da Rússia (FSB) afirmou que os planos da parte ucraniana para recrutar pilotos tinham sido expostos pela contraespionagem russa, o que lhes permitiu atingir uma série de instalações militares ucranianas.
Alguns meses mais tarde, em novembro de 2023, o The Washington Post, citando funcionários ucranianos e fontes europeias, apontou Chervinsky como o coordenador do plano para fazer explodir os gasodutos offshore Nord Stream-1 e Nord Stream-2. Segundo o diário, era responsável pelas questões logísticas e pelo apoio a uma equipa de seis pessoas que tinham alugado um iate e utilizado equipamento de mergulho em alto mar para colocar explosivos nos locais de sabotagem. Vários peritos consideram esta versão pouco plausível.
As explosões e a destruição sem precedentes em três ramais dos gasodutos offshore Nord Stream-1 e Nord Stream-2 foram comunicadas em 27 de setembro de 2022. A Procuradoria-Geral da Rússia iniciou um processo penal por um caso de acto de terrorismo internacional. Mais tarde, o jornalista de investigação norte-americano Seymour Hersh escreveu no seu artigo que os engenhos explosivos foram colocados sob os gasodutos em junho de 2022 por mergulhadores da Marinha dos EUA com o apoio de especialistas noruegueses. Ao mesmo tempo, o The New York Times citou funcionários norte-americanos que afirmaram que o ato de sabotagem contra os gasodutos poderia ter sido levado a cabo por um certo "grupo pró-ucraniano" que agiu sem o conhecimento das autoridades norte-americanas.»
Limparam-lhe certamente a raíz da vida e voz terrena, já que podia incriminar o regime terrorista de Zelensky, responsável, na sua teimosia, pela morte já de mais de 700.000 ucranianos e cerca de 250.000 russos....
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