sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2022

Raw materials (with cartoons) on the World situation, not available in the Western media, and mostly from or via Vk. com.


                    A nova versão do Tio Patinhas, o comandante em chefe do Ocidente demente, Biden...

 I - "“Predatory” monetary and trade policies pursued by the US-led west are the primary cause of the global food crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.

Western nations are using their wealth and ability to print money to vacuum up food products from the global market, the Russian leader insisted during a government meeting on Tuesday. The unfolding crisis has been in the making for several years, he added.

“Some leading nations have financial and food policies that led to the result we are observing now,” Putin said, adding that the behavior could be described as “predatory, without any exaggeration.”

He noted that the US was a net exporter of food products last year, but now it is a net importer.

The Russian leader also reiterated his criticism of the Ukraine grain deal, which allowed Kiev to export food via the Black Sea. The arrangement was mediated by the UN and Türkiye, but Russia believes it is not working as intended, arguing that the shipments do little to alleviate food shortages in needy nations.

Putin cited last week’s maritime traffic statistics in relation to the scheme, pointing out that most of the ships carrying Ukrainian grain that didn’t report Türkiye as their destination went to one of the EU nations.

“Are they the poorest nations or what? The situation remains the same. Embarrassing as it sounds, but this is plain swindle, and nothing else,” he said.

Russia is set to harvest a record amount of grain this year, which is predicted to reach 150 million tons, including some 100 million tons of wheat, Putin said. But Russian food products have a difficult time finding their way to the global market due to Western economic sanctions, as do Russian fertilizers, he added. The West “is causing the global food crisis,” he claimed.

The US and its allies deny that the restrictions they have imposed on Russian trade over the country’s military campaign in Ukraine are targeting its food and fertilizer exports.

Officials in Moscow say that, while those products are technically not banned, restrictions on things like insurance and port services for Russian merchant ships effectively curb the country’s ability to export food and fertilizers."


2 - Inflation cannot be cured, Carl Icahn says. Loose monetary policy has spawned record-high inflation in the US economy, a circumstance that is not going to change soon, US financier Carl Icahn told MarketWatch this week. The 86-year-old, who heads up the conglomerate Icahn Enterprises, has long been one of the most prominent names on Wall Street........ But they have money to FUND Ukraine. This shows how incompetent and demented the US government is. The inflation in the US is out of control and won't be coming down for another decade at least. The people are being lied to that it will be controlled and come down soon.

Because soon as they realize the opposite is true, the panic will set in and all the paper money will be rushing into gold and other currencies as a safe haven store of value. The only way to abolish inflation is to end the FED. Ron Paul was right. The Federal Reserve has to be liquidated. Recession and depression are worse than inflation. Inflation is already there, a depression is coming soon.

Does anyone remember the videos of Sri Lanka when their economy collapse ok so that was bad but in the US when the banks shut it all down and people can't buy food to eat or fuel for their vehicles to go to work you are going to see people coming out with their guns, so it's not going to be sticks and pitchforks it's going to be shotguns semi-automatic weapons fully automatic weapons pistols knives machetes you name it people are going to go absolutely freaking nuts, it's going to be mayhem. The great Western recession will be referred to as the "Demented Biden effect".

                         SWPa. billboard accusing Biden of dementia misspells ... dementia -  Pennsylvania Capital-Star

3 -  "The costs are almost double what they were during the same time last year, Destatis reports. Prices for firewood and wood pellets in Germany spiraled 85.7% in August compared to the same month last year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reported on Thursday........ Back to medieval lifestyle using wood stoves. Germany is a troubled US vassal, after all. The EU will now cut down all their trees in the forests to get firewood, Well done. Are you having fun yet? So much for climate change.

What about little puppet Greta's concern over Carbon? Shame on you. I'm wondering how many city parks will be chopped down this winter to keep the new and upcoming homeless camps that will pop up all over Germany in its city parks? But guess what? All these illegals will be nice, well-fed and snug ... Merkel 2.0 is doing a great job!...ohh, just a reminder Poland will also reduce its coal shipments this winter.

All the people in Germany should just send all their bills to Ursula von der Leyen. Come on, pay up; chop-chop. Those Germans who survive the Winter might have a different opinion on sanctioning Russia in the Spring. Following the US demand to stop buying gas from Russia is going to prove costly in lives and money."


4 - «Seismologists confirm underwater blasts were detected at the pipeline failure locations. Scientists in Denmark and Sweden registered underwater explosions near the Nord Stream pipelines on Monday, when several major leaks were reported. Sabotage is now suspected as a key reason for the damage........ If EU leadership had a brain, they’d join Russia to save Europe. The US is out to destroy Europe, that is clear. There’s only 2 reasons for the EU not to defend Europe. #1 the leaders are being blackmailed by the US globalist elite deep state (Epstein Island) or they’ve been promised large sums of cash and leadership positions over the European people if the US globalist NWO is accomplished.

The Western corporate media is reporting it as a 'mysterious' explosion. That alone says everything. If it was the other way around? It would be 'Russia did it! Russia did it'. But when the West commits terrorism, it's 'mysterious'.»


 5 -  A Administração da USA está há cerca de 90 anos a imprimir e dispôr dos dólares que quer, e sobretudo para armamentos e alianças, e logo a dominar e a corromper meio mundo ou mais. Nos nossos dias isso tornou-se cada vez mais evidente pelo que muita gente  sente-se justamente indignada ou mesmo revoltada com tal injustiça. O dolar sem fim do tio Patinha ou nos multi-milionários podia numa magra percentagem erradicar muito do sofrimento e atraso da humanidade. Ora Putin, apoiado pela China e o Irão, está a pôr isso em causa, procurando estabelecer uma sociedade multipolarizada e dialogante. Mas a USA não quere perder o seu monopólio do poder e não quer admitir adversários ou concorrentes na liderança mundial, contando com muitos lacaios e corruptos do seu lado, onde se destaca a União Europeia, na grande maioria vendidos aos dólares e ao euro.Todavia alguns países europeus, tal a Hungria e a Sérvia, libertos da ilusiva manha astuciosa de haver governos dito socialistas que são completamente pro-imperialismo norte-americano, caso dos portugueses e espanhóis, socialistas de fachada, obedientes escravos da NATO norte-americana, não se importam de ser chmados nacionalistas e estão a põr em causa a União Europea, dirigida por uma autoritária, quase histérica, e fanaticamente anti-russa, Ursula Leydem. 

Esperemos pelo Inverno para ver o que se passará no centro frio da Europa, e se haverão alguns políticos a levantarem a voz contra o suicído da Europa. Já claro parece que Putin e a Federação Russa representam hoje a verdadeira Europa dos valores, tradicional e sã, caminhando para um futuro multipolar e justo para o mundo, como o Brics representa.

Já Joseph Biden e Kamala Harris, Zeelensky, Ursula e Stoltenberg a hubris demente  e o imperalismo já ultrapassado anglo-saxónico.

6 - The Sirius Report: "US felt so threatened by Saddam deciding to trade oil in non-dollar terms that they engineered pretext to go to war with Iraq based on [a] complete lie. This shows [the] US feared that once one nation demonstrated that trading outside the dollar was not an issue an avalanche could ensue..."

"...In the aftermath of the Cold War, Washington appointed itself "almost an envoy of God on earth," launching foreign conflicts at will and expanding the NATO alliance deeper into Eastern Europe.
The shifting of NATO's borders to the east and its official declaration of interest in the Indo-Pacific region mean that the US-led bloc "now has the goal of subjugating the Asian area," Lavrov stated. However, it was the West's refusal to negotiate over Ukraine that led Russia to fight back, he continued.
"The West watched in silence as the coup plotters started bombing the east of Ukraine," he said, referring to Kiev's attacks on the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics even after the Minsk agreements had been signed in 2014 and 2015.
"Were we supposed to put up with Kiev's attempt to ban the Russian language, education, Russian media and culture? The demands of chasing Russians out of Crimea? The declaration of war against the Donbass, the population of which was declared not human beings, but 'creatures' by both the former and the current Kiev's authorities?"
Once the US and NATO rejected a Russian-proposed security deal for Ukraine, Moscow had "no choice but to recognize the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics and start a special military operation," Lavrov said, adding that "any sovereign self-respecting state would do the same, a state that understands its responsibility to its own people."
Seven months into that operation, and with Russia recently announcing the mobilization of some 300,000 additional troops, Lavrov told the assembly that "the future of the world order is being decided," with the US-led "unipolar" model 'receding into the past.'"                         

 7 - The Jerusalem Post hailed Vladimir Zelensky for “changing the world” through his use of ‘media and diplomacy’. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is the most influential Jew of 2022, according to the Jerusalem Post, which published its list on Sunday. Describing the former comedian as an “icon,” the outlet hailed his use of “the media and diplomacy” to turn the West against Russia and its president........ The headline should have been "The biggest pain in the butt coke snorting fascist Jew of 2022". He has no influence, he is nothing but a sock puppet giving the speeches and making the demands on behalf of the Zionists and globalist elite. That have the influence everywhere in the Western world. This is the fascist loving Jew the Western people can thank for all their future economic hardships and problems.

The Ukrainian president, like the leaders of the EU, believes that the Russian leader’s nuclear warning should be taken seriously. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told CBS News on Sunday that he believes Russian President Vladimir Putin could use nuclear weapons. Putin earlier said that Russia would use “all the means available to us” to defend Russian territory.... Putin hasn't bluffed the past 10 years, I don't think he knows how to, either that or he's got the Best Poker Face the World has ever seen. Putin has let the Western psycho's know that once Donbass joins Russia, any further attack on it will be an attack on Russia. Also, that Russia will not go down alone without the psycho's in the US and EU will also go down.

That's the only language the warmongering globalist elite psycho's understand. I didn’t see the US rushing to sign the ‘No first strike’ agreements with Nukes! They tell everyone not to strike first, so that maybe they can? I wouldn’t trust the US warmongers as far as I could throw them. The Western governments hide behind ambiguity. They claim innocence in this war, though they are the main contributors and collaborators. They are the main financier to the war, and they use their weapons to kill Russian soldiers and civilians.

Then they threaten the world to bow to them or else. They then apply economic warfare to Russia using sanctions, and yet all the while saying they are innocent. The West is led by the US and follows their every command like a lemming. How can the US tell Russia they can’t use nukes yet declare total war against Russia in every way but name. They increase spending and are putting long range missiles in Ukraine and sent assassination squads into Moscow and killed an innocent woman. Russia will use the nukes when the right time comes, and do not forget that the enemy has already declared total war.»

 8  - Ukraine war.  The EU as the USA's lackey - A retrospective on a current occasion (Part 1)
The history of Russia and Europe is closely intertwined. And it has been a history of competition since the beginning of colonialism at the latest, although there have always been phases of cooperation.

 For the EU, the End of Times is looming.

Its destruction, history will record, came at the hands of its US overlords and their faithful acolytes in Brussels.

Imperial Washington will have cannibalized its own European wing.

And EurAsia will reabsorb and rebuild the remnants, under its wing.

Soaring energy prices and lack of carbon dioxide reportedly threaten beer production. UK brewers are facing tenfold price increases for the CO2 they use to carbonate and package beers, the Financial Times reported on Friday, also citing supply disruptions that could threaten brewing ahead of the Christmas season....... Damn, the news just gets better and better in the UK. Maybe a cold, sober Winter will help the majority of Brits get a clear mind and wake up to reality. They were led on to believe by their own Clown government and the US that Anti-Russian sanctions would be in their best interests. Now, according to the report, the market disruption follows a warning from US fertilizer group CF Industries last month that it would shut down a major UK ammonia plant that makes CO2 as a byproduct.

The company said its decision was due to soaring natural gas prices, which have made production unviable. No cheap natural gas from Russia, no fertilizer from Russia. Yep, in a way, it is in their best interests time to sober up and take actions against these globalists elite trying to control the world while ordinary people have to pay the expense and suffer for these elites to try to achieve their globalist goals.

More tea, anyone? Oh, no I forgot the gas price are too high no gas to boil the kettle. It is what you just might start hearing next in the future. The US globalist are destroying European and Western economies to enslave them forever. While the European public is just bending down and taking it all in. How stupid can some people can be? You hear regularly the fear porn that CO2 is a poison. It's not, by the way. The paid off stupid journalists can't make the difference with CO2, the gas that feeds plants and the biosphere and monoxyde carbon which comes out from your car or power plants. Idiots.

Carbon dioxide is HEAVIER than air,,, let that sink in for a moment. Plants just LOVE the stuff, soooo plant life should be thriving, sooo how does it go up in the atmosphere, stay there, and cause climate change?. Now it is somehow very funny what UK has become. It reminds me really of the film ''V for Vendetta'' except the tyrants today are contrary to the film in reality all pseudo liberal woke Nazi greeenies that know nothing indeed about organic chemistry or ecology. A nation run by utter clowns and morons. I'm sure things will get better once Truss is in power, LOL. So I hope the British enjoy their new prohibition times then... Cheers mate.
 9 - Surging energy prices help Gazprom offset drop in supplies to the rest of Europe. Western sanctions aimed at damaging the Russian gas industry have had the opposite effect, as skyrocketing energy prices have helped gas giant Gazprom increase profits. Despite a sharp drop in supplies to the EU, the company doubled its export revenue, according to Oliver Hortay, head of energy and climate policy research at a Hungarian think tank........ 

Let's review the EU sanctions the on Russia: (1) EU gets less energy and goes cold and hungry; (2) Russia gets double the money; (3) EU "leaders" say it was worth it. Because they know the people will keep paying the extra costs like good little brainwashed slaves. Meanwhile, everybody in the Western governments is saying that Russia is suffering economically.

I think "everybody" in the Western governments are delusional. In the end, the vassals of the US in Europe are going to make a massive own goal. They will lose cheap Russian energy, making their industry even more uncompetitive with East Asia. They will have accomplished nothing, as Ukraine will either be torn apart or drastically reduced in size, an outcome that could have been avoided had the US not meddled in Ukrainian politics. The idea that NATO is going to defeat Russia is laughable. Russia isn't a little country like Serbia or a militarily weak country like Afghanistan or Iraq. The countries of Europe and the US will find that pouring billions and billions in weapons into the black hole known as Ukraine has resulted in seriously weakening their own militaries and seriously damaging their economies.

What will they have accomplished? Ending the hegemony of the US/UK/EU. This situation is both laughable and extremely serious! It shows most EU leaders are like children role-playing in the park, while the grown-ups (Biden, Soros CIA/FBI and the MIC etc) look on, laughing and smiling at their silly antics. I'm not an economist, but even I knew in advance what the consequences of the "sanctions" would be. The leaders of the EU knew this in advance. They are carrying out the orders of the globalist elite billionaires of the US and England against their own people. Russia should compensate all the money stolen by EU/UK/US/ other NATO partners in the pretext of confiscate the Russian assets!! Russia should not stop with these meager billions."


10 - WaPo/Ellen Nakashima > (See also: «Propaganda Wars: Who is actually spreading disinformation?»)

"The Pentagon has ordered a sweeping audit of how it conducts clandestine information warfare after major social media companies identified and took offline fake accounts suspected of being run by the U.S. military in violation of the platforms’ rules.

Colin Kahl [], the undersecretary of defense for policy, last week instructed the military commands that engage in psychological operations online to provide a full accounting of their activities by next month after the White House and some federal agencies expressed mounting concerns over the Defense Department’s attempted manipulation of audiences overseas, according to several defense and administration officials familiar with the matter.

The takedowns in recent years by Twitter and Facebook of more than 150 bogus personas and media sites created in the United States was disclosed last month [] by internet researchers Graphika and the Stanford Internet Observatory. While the researchers did not attribute the sham accounts to the U.S. military, two officials familiar with the matter said that U.S. Central Command [] is among those whose activities are facing scrutiny. Like others interviewed for this report, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military operations.

The researchers did not specify when the takedowns occurred, but those familiar with the matter said they were within the past two or three years. Some were recent, they said, and involved posts from the summer that advanced anti-Russia narratives citing the Kremlin’s “imperialist” war in Ukraine and warning of the conflict’s direct impact on Central Asian countries. Significantly, they found that the pretend personas — employing tactics used by countries such as Russia and China — did not gain much traction, and that overt accounts actually attracted more followers.

Centcom, headquartered in Tampa, has purview over military operations across 21 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and Central and South Asia. A spokesman declined to comment.
Spokespersons for Facebook and Twitter declined to comment.
According to the researchers’ report, the accounts taken down included a made-up Persian-language media site that shared content reposted from the U.S.-funded Voice of America Farsi and Radio Free Europe. Another, it said, was linked to a Twitter handle that in the past had claimed to operate on behalf of Centcom.

One fake account posted an inflammatory tweet claiming that relatives of deceased Afghan refugees had reported bodies being returned from Iran with missing organs, according to the report. The tweet linked to a video that was part of an article posted on a U.S.-military affiliated website.

Centcom has not commented on whether these accounts were created by its personnel or contractors. If the organ-harvesting tweet is shown to be Centcom’s, one defense official said, it would “absolutely be a violation of doctrine and training practices.”

Independent of the report, The Washington Post has learned that in 2020 Facebook disabled fictitious personas created by Centcom to counter disinformation spread by China suggesting the coronavirus responsible for covid-19 was created at a U.S. Army lab in Fort Detrick, Md., according to officials familiar with the matter. The pseudo profiles — active in Facebook groups that conversed in Arabic, Farsi and Urdu, the officials said — were used to amplify truthful information from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the virus’s origination in China.

The U.S. government’s use of ersatz social media accounts, though authorized by law and policy, has stirred controversy inside the Biden administration, with the White House pressing the Pentagon to clarify and justify its policies. The White House, agencies such as the State Department and even some officials within the Defense Department have been concerned that the policies are too broad, allowing leeway for tactics that even if used to spread truthful information, risk eroding U.S. credibility, several U.S. officials said.

“Our adversaries are absolutely operating in the information domain,” said a second senior defense official. “There are some who think we shouldn’t do anything clandestine in that space. Ceding an entire domain to an adversary would be unwise. But we need stronger policy guardrails.”

A spokeswoman for the National Security Council, which is part of the White House, declined to comment.
Pentagon policy and doctrine discourage the military from peddling falsehoods, but there are no specific rules mandating the use of truthful information for psychological operations. For instance, the military sometimes employs fiction and satire for persuasion purposes, but generally the messages are supposed to stick to facts, officials said.

In 2020, officers at Facebook and Twitter contacted the Pentagon to raise concerns about the phony accounts they were having to remove, suspicious they were associated with the military. That summer, David Agranovich, Facebook’s director for global threat disruption, spoke to Christopher C. Miller, then assistant director for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, which oversees influence operations policy, warning him that if Facebook could sniff them out, so could U.S. adversaries, several people familiar with the conversation said.

“His point‚” one person said, “was ‘Guys, you got caught. That’s a problem.’ ”
With the rise of Russia and China as strategic competitors, military commanders have wanted to fight back, including online. And Congress supported that. Frustrated with perceived legal obstacles to the Defense Department’s ability to conduct clandestine activities in cyberspace, Congress in late 2019 passed a law affirming that the military could conduct operations in the “information environment” to defend the United States and to push back against foreign disinformation aimed at undermining its interests. The measure, known as Section 1631, allows the military to carry out clandestine psychological operations without crossing what the CIA has claimed as its covert authority, alleviating some of the friction that had hindered such operations previously.

“Combatant commanders got really excited,” recalled the first defense official. “They were very eager to utilize these new authorities. The defense contractors were equally eager to land lucrative classified contracts to enable clandestine influence operations.”

At the same time, the official said, military leaders were not trained to oversee “technically complex operations conducted by contractors” or coordinate such activities with other stakeholders elsewhere in the U.S. government.
The State Department and CIA have been perturbed by the military’s use of clandestine tactics. Officers at State have admonished the Defense Department, “Hey don’t amplify our policies using fake personas, because we don’t want to be seen as creating false grass roots efforts,” the first defense official said.
Psychological operations to promote U.S. narratives overseas are nothing new in the military, but the popularity of western social media across the globe has led to an expansion of tactics, including the use of artificial personas and images — sometimes called “deep fakes.” The logic is that views expressed by what appears to be, say, an Afghan woman or an Iranian student might be more persuasive than if they were openly pushed by the U.S. government.
The report by Graphika and Stanford suggests that the clandestine activity did not have much impact. It noted that the “vast majority of posts and tweets” reviewed received “no more than a handful of likes or retweets,” and only 19 percent of the concocted accounts had more than 1,000 followers. “Tellingly,” the report stated, “the two most-followed assets in the data provided by Twitter were overt accounts that publicly declared a connection to the U.S. military.”

Clandestine influence operations have a role in support of military operations, but it should be a narrow one with “intrusive oversight” by military and civilian leadership, said Michael Lumpkin, a former senior Pentagon official handling information operations policy and a former head of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center. “Otherwise, we risk making more enemies than friends.”"



11 - Selenskyj and the symbols of the Third Reich
Skull insignia in Ukraine and a look back in history. (Part 1)

On 13 September, Ukrainian President Volodymir Selenskyj visited the town of Izyum, south-east of Kharkov, which had been recaptured by Ukrainian troops. There, he took part in a flag-raising ceremony with media attention. On his social channels, the event was diligently documented - and very soon corrected. The narrative of a clean, democratic Ukraine must be preserved at all costs.

Izyum, we should keep in mind in the story that now follows, is an area with a significant population of ethnic Russians. And these ethnic Russians have not had much to laugh about in Ukraine for at least eight years. This is due to Ukraine's ever-expanding nationalism. This is linked to discrimination against (not only) the Russian minority.

In Germany, the term Nazi is used inflationarily, but not on a factual level. Nor can it. Nazi, like soci, is an ideologically oriented, negatively connoted, pejoratively used classification for people. Nazi as a word sounds harsher than the term National Socialist, as which the bearers of the ideology meant actually saw and see themselves. It has the word nationalism in it, and that is already a first building block for a fascist system. If it is then combined with anti-democratic structures and ways of thinking, ideologically pimped and absorbed in the worship of leaders, then we are already pretty close to fascism as it emerged after the First World War.

In Ukraine, there is a broad, sometimes very active following of the national socialist ideology. These people can rightly be called fascists on the substantive level. And their influence in politics, the military, even culture is extensive. This influence shapes social consciousness and explains how hatred of all things Russian has been able to establish itself so strongly in Ukraine over the last three decades. Even before the escalation of 2022, conditions in Ukraine showed strong parallels to those in Germany in the early 1930s.

The United States of America (USA) did not simply tolerate Ukrainian fascism, but priced it into its strategic considerations and supported it (3). Without such ideology, it would not have been possible to build Ukraine into a battering ram against Russia. Such practices on the part of the US have also occurred regularly in the past, for example in the building of the Nazi dictatorship and war machine of Germany and the fascist dictatorships in Latin America in the post-war period.

Without fascism in Ukraine, the Ukraine conflict as we see it today would not exist at all. Or to put it another way: the USA wanted war against Russia and has therefore promoted Ukrainian fascism, an aggressive nationalism ideologically based on the National Socialism of the Third Reich, for many years.

In this great chess game of the "sole world power", the actor Volodymyr Selenskyj is now playing the role of his life. Politically naive, he agreed to mime the president of Ukraine. Exactly such a man was wanted for Ukraine, a telegenic, popular and politically clueless person who could be bent into shape. Borrowing from the theatre, one can also say that Selenskyj is a tragic figure. A driven man, an actor who sees no chance for himself to get off the stage in one piece. So he mimes the leader to the bitter end and part of his game is to live out the degrees of freedom of the script held out to him to the satisfaction of the political directors.

Selenskyj and his entourage are controlled by fascists, he himself is under constant surveillance. And his Western patrons do absolutely nothing to get him out of this diabolical situation. So Selenskyj plays along with the Ukrainian fascism performance and becomes increasingly absorbed in this role. Fascism thrives on symbolism, so its radical environment also expects symbolic gestures, similar to a constantly repeated oath of allegiance not to "escape".

In Germany, Selensky is portrayed as the president of a democratic Ukraine. In the picture, we see something else: the former actor who, in my view, was elected supreme warlord against his will. A democratic president does not constantly run around in military uniform, and certainly not with a skull patch on his arm. The picture you see there is not meant for the Western consumer either, but for Selenskyj's "quite best, fascist friends". It is to them that he is showing that he is in the game, not to us. And that is why the director has also pointed out to him that such pictures do not belong on the stage, the Western "world stage". Whereupon the president removed it from his Telegram channel again.

Ideologues only know their own, their alternativeless truth. That's why they need narratives, stories they tell their victims as reality. In Ukraine, different narratives are sold than here. We are not allowed to see the narrative that Selenskyj is spreading, that he has to spread. After all, we are supposed to believe in a brave super-democrat. But both narratives miss the reality. Which, on the other hand, you can only realise if you are not caught up in either narrative.

The Western media cleansing service is working tirelessly to remove the treacherous traces of fascist activity in Ukraine or to talk down the activity itself. But it is hard to keep up, because things in Kiev have only got worse in recent months. Skulls and insignia of the Third Reich have now become an almost natural part of Ukraine's national battalions. But as I said, not for the brainwashed Western media consumer. He "needs" the White Vest narrative and therefore the footage is "corrected" (often only afterwards) to those where treasonous symbols are not visible. But the "cleaning service" does not work thoroughly enough:

The watchful observers of The Grayzone discovered a skull and crossbones, namely one that is based on those used by the National Socialist Schutzstaffel in Germany, the SS. And the soldier in the background, who belongs to Selenkyj's bodyguard, wears an insignia on his waistcoat that is unmistakably based on this symbol. It cannot be surprising in a country where the war criminal Stephan Bandera (5) is revered like a saint. The following piece, made by a company R3ICH is offered by at least three dealers in Ukraine:

If Ukrainian nationalists, who increasingly shape the image of the Ukrainian army, are equipped with such insignia, that alone is highly alarming. If such people populate the immediate environment of the Ukrainian president, all the more so. But there is something else: the "snapshots" above were taken in the Kharkov region, which lends additional explosiveness to the matter. For this we have to look back into history. Because there is an SS tradition in the Kharkov region.

The National Socialist Schutzstaffel, the SS as a political structure, gradually rose to become a state within the state in the Third Reich. At the same time, their combat units acquired a special, elite status within the Wehrmacht, with their own command structures. In 1943, they were preferentially equipped with modern weaponry and were feared not only for their combat strength but also for their brutality.

While the Wehrmacht consisted of well-trained and appropriately functioning soldiers, the SS units were formed of excellent fighters, but at the same time also religious warriors. This was accompanied by a high willingness to sacrifice and thus great losses among these units. The skull and crossbones of the SS units indicate this death cult, the complete and unconditional self-sacrifice for the National Socialist idea. One of these units was set up as Adolf Hitler's personal bodyguard, which is why it was given the name Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LSAH).

To raise awareness: a member of Selensky's bodyguard wears an insignia based on those that adorned the uniforms of members of Adolf Hitler's bodyguard.

The LSAH later formed the core of the newly formed Waffen SS. One of the best-known commanders of the Leibstandarte, which was restructured into a combat unit, was Joachim Peiper, commander of the tank regiments of the SS Panzer Division. In the portrait, the now familiar skull and crossbones insignia reappears on his uniform cap:

Do you have any idea in which theatre of operations Joachim Peiper's Panzer Corps operated in 1943?

After the catastrophic defeat of the German 6th Army in Stalingrad, the German Wehrmacht leadership had to prevent the complete collapse of the southern part of the Eastern Front, which it actually succeeded in doing. Let us now look at a map that roughly traces the operation that was made possible and carried out as a result:

Two names stand out: Kharkov and Izyum. How will the events of the years 1941 to 1943 have anchored themselves in the historical consciousness of the people there? To be able to assess this, a little more information is needed.

When the German Wehrmacht recaptured Kharkov in 1943, members of the division murdered the wounded of the Soviet army who were lying in the hospitals and could not be evacuated beforehand. The same happened with captured Soviet soldiers. Officers and commissars of the Red Army were almost routinely executed on the basis of the so-called Commissar Order.

Joachim Peiper was mentioned above.

His unit was nicknamed the "Brenner Battalion" in those days. Waffen-SS troops under Peiper's command entered the two Ukrainian villages of Jefremowka and Semjonowka on 17 February 1943. Under the pretext of "retaliation" for the wounding of two SS officers by retreating Soviet troops, Peiper's troops ravaged the two settlements for five days. 872 men, women and children were murdered, 240 of them burned alive in the Jefremowka church.

Earlier, Peiper's unit had taken bloody revenge for the killing of his ambulance squad by Soviet soldiers in the village of Krasnaya Polyana and had all the inhabitants of the village shot. The SS Leibstandarte, with Peiper as one of its commanders, was guilty of numerous other war crimes in Poland, Italy and France.

So, under the sign of swastikas, SS runes and skulls, crimes against humanity were committed in the Kharkov area, committed against Russians and Ukrainians who had lived there in peace with each other. We can assume that the events of that time are deeply etched in the minds of the people of the area and their descendants.

Almost 80 years later, symbols such as the SS skull and crossbones of the LSAH reappear in the same area. Consequently, swastikas are not far away.

Ukrainian nationalist battalions are extremely close to the National Socialist ideology of the Third Reich. And this shows in the symbolism. Ideology needs symbols. The Kraken battalion is ideologically similar to the Azov battalion. Its founder, Andriy Biletsky, called the "White Ruler" by his followers, announced in 2010 that the national goal of Ukraine was:

"to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade against the subhumans led by Semites."

Four years later, Biletsky was elected as a member of the Ukrainian parliament after the Maidan coup.

But why don't you paint a swastika on a handcart "for fun" and pull it through the city as a test? Of course you should not do that! Not only would this test automatically make you a "Nazi" - which of course you are not at all. You would also have to reckon with a draconian punishment. But when it comes to Ukraine, they all look the other way: the politicians, the media, the "Antifa" (a2). Then they talk about Ukraine as a bulwark of the oh-so-democratic Western values against the sinister Kremlin leader. But a swastika on a Ukrainian army combat vehicle cannot be misunderstood.

Let's go back to the Kharkov region and remember how it all started in Nazi Germany. First, in the intoxication of the collective and its self-evidently noble, common cause, the Pimpfe practised the Hitler salute and played with wooden rifles. Then they went to war against the pretended enemies.

The same is currently happening in Ukraine. Russia has learned from history that it cannot wait again until Ukraine's ideologised, manipulated, radicalised young generation is ready to fight Russia with weapons in hand.

We don't seriously need to believe that these are all just extraordinary coincidences!

Children become adults and then they, with the values drilled into them, become soldiers. This convinced Ukrainian man, who has just grown up, has certainly been deemed fit for military service and has finally been armed:

Fascism is extreme and aggressive in its ideological orientation, both internally and externally, and young people are susceptible to it. Because young people are in principle receptive to everything and thus malleable. Football matches in the first Ukrainian league already had swastika flags as staffage in 2012.

Those who are so radicalised have a big problem with democracy. The internalised hatred of dissenters first targets symbols, for example against this presidential candidate who campaigned for a pro-federal Ukraine in spring 2014:

With truncheons and pistols, the "troublemaker" was symbolically executed by the election campaigners, and with impunity. That was in 2014, after the victory celebrated by the West, the "Euro-Maidan". This country has long been held hostage by oligarchs, ideologues and violent criminals. This country is not democratic. The incident documented in the above picture took place in Odessa. The mental path of the perpetrators ready for the practical execution of dissenters or simply dissenters was then short. In the Odessa Trade Union House, dozens of people were executed in an orgy of violence. The victims who were found had been burned alive, shot, strangled, their necks broken or beaten to death:

Fascism had taken hold in Ukraine and it was by design. An Adolf Hitler had the same helpers as the Ukrainian leaders. Without the financiers and whisperers from "God's own country" and his junior partner based in London, the tragic developments then in Germany and now in Ukraine would be unthinkable.

In Ukraine, National Socialist ideology is openly promoted and mixed with extreme, arrogant Ukrainian nationalism. The skull and crossbones of the SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler had already appeared on channels of the Ukrainian president, only to be deleted afterwards.

What were the goals that the Russian leadership set when it intervened militarily in Ukraine? Apart from securing the territorial integrity of the two republics of Lugansk and Donetsk, it was to disarm Ukraine as a highly armed, practically NATO state and to "denazify" it.

Ukraine is everything, but not a democratic state. Fascism has taken the sceptre in this country. And we supply weapons to this country and train fascists in weapons. For this country and its war, the politics and media of the Western, ostensible democracies carry out propaganda.

Read more: Part 2


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