sábado, 4 de junho de 2022

Bô Yin Râ, on the unification of soul's powers. Short essay on the Path of the Light.

The unification of the soul's powers, or of the instincts and desires, thoughts and emotions, is paramount on the spiritual teachings of most of the masters, as per example in the ones of Bô Yin Râ (1876-1943). 

In all his twenty two books, called Hortus Conclusos, he tries to help us in the approach of the spiritual realization; and in one of them, probably the most important, The Book of the Living God, he describes our soul as a kind of cloud, made of myriads of points of light and energy, each one trying to do or accomplish his own will, and says that our task is to control them, to unify all their wills under our own will, what is not easy at all but it is a pre-condition to have acess to the true spiritual realm.
So we can say, in a certain way, that Bô Yin Râ wrote his books to teach us how to do that unification in different ways, the main one being the regular pratice of feeling ourselves as a sea of myriads of light points within the physical body and unificating our own consciousness and will with the will of these tiny points of light already having a kind autonomous will, that should be then controled, tamed, yoked, yoga....
A disciple of Bô Yin Râ's teaching and teacher of a friend, Monique, said that you can compare this animic forces with several I 's  inside the body and you must unify them under one will power. And he thinks that all, or many, of those I's are of deceased people who have so a certain life inside your body. 
Monique thinks that may be every person has several I's, because our character is composed of different will powers. And so in her meditative pratice, she tries to do the experience of having only one goal or objective of concentration, in order to get nearer to the unification and to the Light. And she feels that is her way to pass beyond all those different I's and will powers. 
It is an example of the needed concentration and unification power applied in the spiritual pratice, although Bô Yin Râ just says that the variety of animic energies that people possess don't mean reincarnations, nor different I's in us, but just psychic energies that were already in action in former times and persons, anding search still in our days to realize themselves, or be accomplished and liberated by us.
Bô Yin Râ points the fact that the control of thoughts is very needful for entering within the soul, to feel it, and if arrive to create silence we will then listen to a kind of a subtle inner voice, of the spirit, or we will see in that inner serenity the opening of the famous lotus jewel, from which we can contemplate the star of the spirit or even some rays and blessings of spiritual forces or of the Divine and Primordial Being...
I would say that this unification is mostly done in tree ways: 1º by a harmonious, lovely and creative life, under the aspiration to our highest spiritual evolution possible and so under the Logos, or Truth, Love and Justice Divine.  2º by our moments of recollection, or by the spiritual pratices where we try to control the thought waves (yoga chitta vritti nirodha, as the sage Patanajali - mentioned by Bô Yin - Râ, says at the beginning of his Yoga Sutras), the desires and distractions, or the left hemisphere constant activity, or the intellectual or mind pursuit that is going on all the time. 3º by the love, will power and compassion manifested in our awakened and unified being (body-soul-spirit) and life (words, feelings, thoughts, actions, intentions, human relations and spiritual marriage.)
This unification is the hard work on the path (as Paracelsus said ad astra per aspera) but each time we do it, it has good effects in creating a stronger link and channel with our spiritual dimensions, as we have subdued some of the small wills inside ourselves, at least for some time, giving us some consciousness of our true identity, per example, in Indian tradition mentioned as Sat Chit Ananda, Being, Consciousness, Beatitude...
In the extraordinary work of Bô Yin Râ we find many views, ways and exercises given to  us to help that unification of thought's waves, or points of animic energies, and enter in the inner temple, and so we will point now five ways:
1- The ones given in his books on  Prayer, Mantras, Funken, with spiritual affimations or sutras made by him.
2 - The classical mantras from Indian tradition, mentioned by him, like the Tat twam Asi,  Aham Brahmasmi, Jivatman, Aum,  Om Mani padme hum and few more.
3 - He sugests also to use great spiritual phrases, like the ones from Jesus sayings, and he explains how they should be assimilated deeply with all our being...
4 - The contemplation of his paintings (ou also from others), the complete immersion with them, without analysing it, but feeling it within us, or we in them, merging with colors, forms, rythms and spiritual dynamism and reaching a spiritual experience.
5 - The comunnion with Nature and its beings and events, done deeply, coming naturaly, spontaneously, like seeing a sun rising or contemplating a beautiful flower, tree or lake, either assimilating that the spiritual light reflected by them, either in moments where there is the merging of the separativism and differences into a unity, that we could say, are some kinds of samadhis, or sameness of the soul and unification in a broader unity...
Each person should discover what are the most suitable ways to himself or herself, and persevere. And, in the end the river will enter into the Ocean of the Divine or, as Bô Yin Râ extols so much, in the realization of the living God in us. So,  may auspicious pratices and  blessings from the inner and Divine realms reach us... Aum....

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