terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2022

On the spiritual path, some reflections...

 The paths for spiritual awakening have been laid in all traditions and religions for centuries but no one is sure of trodding them well unless the inner fruits appear (either of peace, love, joy, discernment, clairvoyance or inner light) so it is natural some unrest in the seekers when thy try to undertstand if they are really on the right treck.

Unfortunately in most of the cases only when people will die they will be sure how well was done their life, and how are their state of  soul and to what levels in the subtle worlds they can reach or attain. But, surely, there will be disapointments, as so great is in our days the spiritual marketing, the fake gurus, the so many lured in  beliefs of religions that are already not appropriated to us, if we do not realize the symbolic and spiritual meanings that they can hold still...

In the XX and XXI centuries a growing mouvement towards freedom, independence, liberation from dogmas, moral authorities has been happening and fostered and so people choose now their own paths and pratices, sometimes with much ingenuity or even foolishness, as the path of spiritual or God realization is indeed very difficult to be attained without perseverance and discipline, and that, without the proper guidance, is very rarely attained. 

Indeed that was given in former times by the traditional relationship of the spiritual master with the disciple, so present in eastern traditions even in our days. But now, many people think they don't need at all a spiritual master, or the transforming forces that the Divine Being shares with Mankind through the gurus or masters in order to adapt Her-Him strong spiritual forces with the limited capacities and resistance of human beings incarnated on the planet Earth.

In fact the Path is mostly done and attuned inside each soul, and each one of us has to discover how to approach and then open its heart and soul to the streams of Divine Light, or of the Fire of Love. And there is no inconvenient time, as Erasmus had asked, to the soul who is unceasingly in prayer, or aware of being a spiritual entity connected to higher sources, and so when we awaken at the middle of the night that will be thr right time to enter more in silence and to call the Divine with all our love and will, or just feel and then radiate  the fire of Love from our being...

Via Marie Lila

The path is indeed within and both the road and the door are like final goals to be reached by awareness, deeds and meditations, and by a inner conscious unification of soul forces, surely to be realized in the middle of works and duties.

If the appropriated actions and a harmonious life are not so difficult to be discerned and  accomplished, already the right prayers and meditations, the correct inner awakening, the right opening to the spiritual realm is not so easily attained and everyone has in each new day or night to dig within his breast in order to approach the living streams of God's Light and Love. 

Mumuksha, is called in yoguic tradition that aspiration to the blessing of the Divine within, and the doctrine of the ihsta devata, the rebirth of the living personnal God, was affirmed by some of the masters as being of summum importance...

So our main task is to discover the pratices that suit each one of us:  how to develop the inner feeling and the concentration, contemplation or prayer  that can lead us to animic experiences of unity with our  spiritual being and body, with the other, with the cosmos, with the Divine.

In our days of so chaotic fightings bewteen love and hate, racism and fraternity, and so many doctrines, countries, organizations, individuals clashing for the control of humans, it is a must that these inner pratices of aspiration and opening of the heart to the blessings coming from the Divine, from the celestial beings and from the masters or guides can happen in most possible people and in every time we can, and so morning prayer and meditation, even for a few minutes, are indespensable to get more attuned and inspired for all the daily way.....

May we all attain them with sucess and joy...

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