domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2021

Best books on spirituality and mysticism, from East and West. 49 (+14), in open bibliography, with short descriptions. Bons livros sobre misticismo e espiritualidade.

Esta catalogação foi iniciada a um pedido nos finais de Janeiro de 2021 de indicações bibliográficas sobre o misticismo por Constantinos Macris, tendo-lhe enviado as referências de quarenta e oito livros. No dia 31.I.2021 publiquei neste blogue, com pequenos acrescentos, quarenta nove títulos. E continuarei a aumentar com alguma espaçada regularidade. Assim, no dia 2, entraram mais cinco obras, perfazendo 54. No dia 18, 6. Passarão  a ser sublinhados os livros acrescentados, já que serão catalogados por ordem alfabética. Que possam servir para aumentar o discernimento espiritual, a interiorização consciencial e o amor místico ou unitivo, nos seus vários níveis:
AA.VV. ANTOLOGIA DE ESPIRITUAIS PORTUGUESES. Apresentação de Maria de Lurdes Belchior, José Adriano de Carvalho e Fernando Cristóvão. Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional. 1994. 437 p. Fifteen portuguese ascetical and mystical, presented by fifteen specialists, with some of their texts. The main ones being Jorge da Silva, Luís de Granada, Hilarião Brandão, Francisco de Sousa Tavares, Gaspar Leão and Sebastião Toscano.
AA.VV. ESPIRITUALIDADE E CORTE EM PORTUGAL (Séculos XVI a XVIII) Porto, 28 a 30 de Maio de 1992). Porto, Instituto de Cultura Portuguesa, 1993. 261 p. Quatorze contributos, destacando-se Jorge Osório (Erasmo, a cortesia e a piedade), Lurdes Fernandes (Francisco de Monzón), Isabel Morujão (Soror Tomásia Caetana de Santa Maria), Diogo Ramada Curto (A Capela Real, um espaço de conflitos), Pedro Tavares (A corte portuguesa perante a condenação de Miguel de Molinos), Adriano Carvalho (Um profeta na corte, o caso (1562-1576) de Simão Gomes, o «Sapateiro Santo (1516-1576»). 

AA.VV. NEOPLATONISM AND INDIAN THOUGHT. Edited by R. Baine Harris. Delhi, Indian Books Centre, 1992. Nineteen essays, like Plotinus and the Upanishads, Meditative states in the Abhidharma and in Pseudo-Dionysius, Union of God in Plotinus and Bayazid.

ANVERS, Hadewijich d'. ÉCRITS MYSTIQUES DES BÉGUINES. Paris, Seuil, 1994. 222 p. Introduction, very good, of 70 pages, probably by the translator Frater J.-B. P. Very much devotional and poetic love writings from this sisters or nuns at the end of medieval times. 

ASBECK, Melline. LA MYSTIQUE DE RUYSBROECK L'ADMIRABLE. Un echo du Neoplatonisme au XIV siécle. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1930. 310 p. The background, doctrine and mystical writings of one of the deepest spiritual seekers in the mysteries of union of spirit and God. 

ATTAR'S, Fariddin. TADHKARATHUL-AULIA or MEMORIES OF SAINTS. Delhi, 1993. In-4º 164 p. Compilação do grande místico persa Attar (1145-1220). Com boa introdução de 38 págs. Contém pequena biografia mas intensa e reveladora das metodologias de trinta santos, com citações de cada um. Oiçamos de Hadrat Abu Bakr Shibli: "Esquecer o mundo e relembrar-nos de Deus é a verdadeira devoção", "A respiração que extraímos para Deus vale tanto como todas as virtudes das pessoas no mundo". Dirá ainda que ouvir um sermão de alguém que o diz por obrigação e não do coração também faz mal a quem o ouve.

AUBRIOT-SÉVIN, Danièle. PRIÈRE ET CONCEPTIONS RELIGIEUSES EN GRÈCE ANCIENNE jusqu'a a la fin du V siècle av. J. C. Paris, Maison d'Orient, 1992. 604 p. Excellent work. Chapters: Circunstances de la prière. Expression corporale et vocale de la prière. Questions formelles (prière et discourse). La malediction et le serment. La supplication et les demarches conciliatrices.

BALTAHSAR, Hans Ur von. PAROLE ET MYSTÈRE CHEZ ORIGÈNE. Paris, Le Cerf, 1957. 146 p. D'un theologien trés connu: Mystère et Theologie, Mystère et Incarnation, Mystère et Sacraments, mais il n'est pas trés developé sur la mystique d'Origène.

BARTHWAL, P. D. TRADITIONS OF INDIAN MYSTICISM based upon Nirguna School of Hindi Poetry. New Delhi, 1991. 314 p. Good study on Santa Panth, with chapters on Love, the basis of mystic religions, Sabdya Yoga, lower and the ultimate vision, the Experience expressed. The propagators of this school Santa Panth were Kabir, Nanak, Prananath, Baba Lal, etc.

BASU, Sobharani. MODERN INDIAN MYSTICISM. A comparative and critical Essay. Varanasi, 1974. 331 p. With 69 pages of bibliograpahy, it has chapters on Indian Mysticism, Spiritual realization and Mystic experience. The different phases of mystic experience, The mystic as a Jivanmukta. The mystic and the Mahauddharana.

BAUMANN, Émille. L'ANNEAU D'OR DES GRANDS MYSTIQUES. Paris, Grasset, 1922. 321 p. About S. Agostine, S, Claire of Assis, Dante, Angela de Foligno, Catharine of Siene, Ruysbroeck, S. John of Cross, St. Marguerite Marie, Catherine Emmerich.

BHUTIA, Lama Thinley Dorjey. BEYOND ETERNITY THROUGH MYSTICISM. Darjeeling, 1994. 315 p. Personal, original and powerful biography and vision of Budhism and Vajrayana, with experiences, by a former lama, from a family of lamas.

BOURDET, Louis. RELIGIONS ET MYSTICISME. Paris, PUF, 1959.135 p. Considers the extasis as the essential mystical phenomenon and studies also the inteligence and the sensibility, and the highers states of the mysticism.

BRANDÃO, Frei Hilarião. VOZ DO AMADO. Lisboa, Presença, 1993. 294 p. Good teachings for the spiritual path, from a portuguese mystic of the XVI century. Good presentation from Maria de Lurdes Correia Fernandes, and trancription of the text.

BRUHL, Lucien Levy- L'EXPERIENCE MYSTIQUE ET LES SYMBOLES CHEZ LES PRIMITIFS. Paris, Alcan, 1938. 314 p. A good collection of cases from "primitive people" about the ways of seeing the invisible beings and energies, with a good hermeneutic of their believes and sensibilities. A classical work, 1º part: L'Experience mystique des primitifs (Chance et Magie, L'insolite, experience mystique, Rêves et visions, La présence des morts). 2º part: Les Symboles des Primitives (Nature et function des symbols, Les modes d'actions symboliques, La préfiguration symbolique.)

CINTRA, Frei Raimundo. MERGULHO NO ABSOLUTO. A meditação através da história-integração e libertação. S. Paulo, 1982. 290 p. The meditation in different religions, by different colaborators, but mostly based in the sufism and yoga.

CORBIN, Henry. EN ISLAM IRANIEN. 4 vols. Paris, Gallimard. 1971. Each one around 400 p. Best source about the iranian masters, poets, philosophers and mystics, indeed of the best ones in the mystical, spiritual and metaphisical traditions.

COOMARASWAMY, Amanda K. 2. Selected papers. METAPHYSICS. Edited by Roger Lipsey. New Jersy, Bollingen Series, 1987. 470 p. Twenty two excelent essays, like: Paradise, Hell, Satan, the "E" at Delphi, Silence, Bhakta aspects of the Atman Doctrine, Socrates, Dante's Paradiso, Tantric doctrine of Divine Biunity. One of the best indian scholars.
COULIANO, Ioan. EXPERIENCIAS DEL ÉXTASIS. Prefacio de Mircea Eliade. Translation. Barcelona, 1994. In-8º 218 p. Good and erudit approaches, specially on shamanism and gnostics, although often not entering in the core of the spiritual reality. A disciple of Mircea Eliade, unfortunately having died prematurely.
CRUZ, Frei Agostinho da. OBRAS de... Conforme a edição impressa de 1771. Com prefácio e notas de Mendes dos Remédios. Coimbra, França Amado, 1918. In-8º 467 p. Pequena biografia e a obra poética deste asceta e místico franciscano que viveu cinquenta anos na serra da Arrábida, e que muito a cantou. É um místico franciscano, naturalista, panteísta mas com forte devoção também aos santos e santos e a Maria e a Jesus. Com belíssimos sonetos intemporais. o poeta do séc. XX Sebastião da Gama, sobretudo no seu amor à Arrabida, pode considerar-se um seu discípulo.

DATTE, V. H. THE YOGA OF THE SAINTS. Delhi, Munshiram Manoharial. 1973. 252 p. How the spiritual life grows organicaly or as whole. One chapter on Nature of Spiritual experience. A friend and disciple of Gurudev Ranade.

DIAS, Sebastião Silva. CORRENTES DO SENTIMENTO RELIGIOSO EM PORTUGAL Séculos XVI a XVIII. Universidade de Coimbra, 1960. 2 vols. de 750 p. One of the best works in the history of the portuguese spirituals of the XVI and XVII, with many quotations of texts, processes, and keeping well the ambiance and fiery sensibilities at work. Uma das obras mais importantes sobre a mística e as suas correntes, influências, perseguições, obras, etc.,  em Portugal. Indispensável.

DICTIONNAIRE DES MYSTIQUES ET DES ÉCRIVAINS. Limoges, 1968. 654 p. A good dictionary. One or two mystics per page, with short biography, some quotations and sometimes photo or image.
DÜRCKHEIM, Karlfried Graf. L'EXPERIENCE DE LA TRANSCENDANCE. Traduction de... Paris, Cerf, 1987. 181 p. Chapters on Grace, Being, Meditation, Exercise, Healing, Trancendance, by this psychoterapeut and spiritual master, who was in Japan and became a zen knower, but going much to the inner silence and center. He settled in Black Forest, Germany, and openeda kind of psycho-spiritual ashram.

EYER, Mary Anita. A SURVEY OF MYSTICAL SYMBOLISM. London, 1933. 234 p. Good chapters on Language of spiritual sense, of spiritual progress, of mystical evaluation, of the mysteries (pagan), of the mystical union. Last chapters on aspects, and of problems, of evaluations and classifications of mysticism.

FIGIER, Hugette. RECHERCHES SUR L'EXPRÉSSION DU SACRÉ DANS LA LANGUE LATINE. Paris, Belles Lettres, 1963 470 p. Excelent and deep study: Sacer et les dieux. Sacer et le numineux (et magique). Sacer et le «réel». Sanctus. Sollemis ou l'expérience de l'extase. Pietas.

GARDEIL, Le Pére. LA STRUCTURE DE L'ÂME. Paris, 1927. In-8º 2 vols. 397 e 367 p. Good intelectual research on the inner levels of being, mostly based in S. Agustine, S. Thomas Aquina and S. Theresa d'Avila. 1º vol., on the concept of mens in Agustine, formulated in tree stages: Mens, Notitia, AmorMemoria, Intelligentia, Voluntas. Memoria, Intelligentia, Amor. "The perfect image of God results from the Wisdom, meaning the direct knowledge that the soul has of God by grace, and from the charity that goes with her"

GILSON, Étienne. LA THÉOLOGIE MYSTIQUE DE SAINT BERNARD. Paris, 1931. 253 p. Classic work where this famous scholar of medieval philosophy, a neo-tomist, concludes with the primacy of love over knowdlege, as only by love we know God, and that is not in a vision but in a inner feeling and a life of charity.

GODIN, André. PSICOLOGIA DAS EXPERIÊNCIAS RELIGIOSAS. O desejo e a realidade. Lisboa, 2001. 276 p. An approach mostly psycho-analytical by a jesuit priest.

GOFFI, Tullo. SECONDIN, Bruno. PROBLEMAS E PERSPECTIVAS DE ESPIRITUALIDADE. S. Paulo, Ed. Loyola, 1992. 387 p. Interesting chapters, although not deep, also on non-christian religions.

GOVINDA, Lama Anagarika. CREATIVE MEDITATION AND MULTI-DIMENSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS. London, 1977. In-8º 294 p. A great book on the spiritual path, specially budhist, and with emphasis on meditation and mantras, by a German budhist monk who was also a good painter, with spiritual vision. Eight paintings and also diagrames inside.

GRAHAM, John W. THE DIVINITY IN MAN. London, 1927. 316 p. Chapters on monism and dualism, subliminal man, inspiration, Plotinus, George Fox, Isaac Penington.

GRATRY, A. DE LA CONNAISSANCE DE L'AME. Tome II. Paris, 1915. 439 p. Interesting chapter on the place of immortality in us.
GRIFFITHS, Bede. A NEW VISION OF REALITY. Western Science, Eastern Mysticism and Christian Faith, India, Harper Collins, 1992. 304 p. Last work of comparative studies made by a mystical benedictin living in India. I stay in his SatChitAnanda ashram and meet this deep and serious person, in his last works trying to make the connections between science and religion, based in Fritjof Capra, David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake, and others.

GROCEIX, Bernard. AMIS DE DIEU EN ALEMAGNE au siècle de Maitre Eckart. Paris, Albin Michel, 1984. 302 p. Much quotations or references to Eckhart, Suso, Tauler, Ruysbroeck, Henri de Nördlingen, indeed some of the deepers mystics of western christian tradition.   

INGE, W. R. MYSTICISM IN RELIGION. London, Rider, 1969. In-4º 222 p. A classical, with a philosophical mind. 11 chapters: Authority and the Inner Light (where he doesn't speak at all of the inner light). The meaning of Mysticism. Mysticism in the New Testament. The problem of personality. Time and Eternity. Symbolism and Myth. Greek Mysticism. Plotinus. Some Medieval and English Mystics. Watchman. What of the Night. The Philosophy of Mysticism, where he mentions the psychological studies of the mystics by Evelyn Underhill, Mrs Herman, von Hugel, Bastide, Murisier, Récéjac, Boutroux, Delacroix, Janet, Poulain, Bremond, Bergson, Bréhier. And from United States, William James, Starbuck, Leuba, Coe, Hocking, Rufus Jones, P. E. More, Pratt, Royce, Bennett.

 JOUKOVSKY, Françoise. LE REGARD INTÉRIEUR. Thèmes Plotinienes chez quelques écrivains de la Renaissance Française. Pariz, Nizet, 1982. 253 p. Trés bon. La procession des hypostases, l'âme et le cosmos, itinéraire spirituel, les périls de la vie interieure, et Ficin commentateur de Plotin.

KARMAKAR, A. P. & KALAMDANI, N. B. MYSTIC TEACHINGS OF THE HARIDASAS OF KARNATAK. With an historical introduction by the Rev. H. Heras, S. J. Dharwar, 1939. XLVII-129 p. Important lineage of mystics of the South of India, from XIII to XVIII century.
KAVIRAJ, Gopinath. SELECTED WRITINGS. Varanasi, 1990. 225 p. Eleven essays, like Nada, Bindu and Kala; The Mystic Significance of "Evam"; Some Salient Features of Mysticism. A book from one of the great indian scholars, related specially with Kashmir Shivaism and tantric non-duality.

KINGSLAND, William. AN ANTHOLOGY OF MYSTICISM AND MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHY with notes by the compiler. 2º ed. London, 1935. In-8º 305 p. Divided in many subjects upon which Kingsland, who was theosophist and lover of Blavastky, adds differente quotations, the main author being Jacob Boehme, and then Plotinus, Eckart, etc. No Muslim references, but some indian texts, and also from Hermes.                            

KIRK, Kenneth E. THE VISION OF GOD. The Christian Docrine of the Summum Bonum. Abridged Edition. London. Longmans, 1935. 207 p. A classical, based in the main christian theologians and saints.

KIRK, Kenneth E. THE VISION OF GOD The Christian Docrine of the Summum Bonum. 2º edition. London. Longmans, 1941. 583 p. The evolution of the idea in Christianity, with emphasis in the monasticism, Clement of Alexandria, Agustine and S. Bernard, the school of S. Victor, Aquinas, Loyola, Sales, Bossuet and Fenelon. Last pages of the apendix on St. Thomas and the mystical experience.

LOISY, Alfred. LES MYSTÈRES PAIENS ET LE MYSTÈRE CHRÉTIEN. Paris, Nourry, 1930. 349 p. A classical and pioneer study on the Christian and Pagan interconnections, notably on the the differents shrines and initiatic mysteries.

LOPOUKHINE, Ivan Vladimirovich  J. QUELQUES TRAITS DE L'ÉGLISE INTÉRIEUR. In-4ºXXII-144 p. With preface of the french occultist Sedir, who in last times converted to Christianity, a famous book of a russian of the end of XVIII, Ivan Lopoukhine, the path of christian devotion,  much in the line of Imitation of Christ, of Thomas Kempis, and although with so special títle he does not give any special detail on the invisible brotherhood of saints and masters.

LOPES, F. Félix. INFLUÊNCIA DE S. PEDRO DE ALCÂNTARA NA ESPIRITUALIDADE PORTUGUESA DO SEU TEMPO. Coimbra, 1964. 69 p. A very influential mystic in Portugal, specially at convent of Arrábida, where he lived some years.

MURPH, Paul E. TRIADIC MYSTICISM. The Mystical Theology of the Saivisme of Kashmir. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1986. 226 p. With comparativism with christianity.

MAGNARD, Pierre (dir.). Marsile Ficin. LES PLATONISMES À LA RENAISSANCE. Paris, Vrin, 2001. 203 p. Fourteen contributions on three subjects: Anima Lux Invisibilis, Lumen visibilis anima, Lumen umbra Dei, some of them like: "L'Âme et l'espace chez Marsile Ficin et Henry More", by René Daval. "L'Un-bien dans le commentaire de Ficin a la Mystica theologia du Pseudo-Denys", by Cesare Vasoli.

MONCADA, Luis Cabral de.  MÍSTICA E REACIONALISMO EM PORTUGAL no século XVIII. Uma página de história religiosa e política. Coimbra, Casa do Castelo, 1952. 98 p. Good study on the origins, tenets and history of this mouvement of inner reform and ascension to God, developed by the Friar Antonio da Assunção, of Agostinhos Desclaços, from the convent of Graça, in Lisboa, that created oppositions from relaxed friars, Inquisition and Marquês de Pombal.

NASR, Seyyed Hossein. SUFI ESSAYS. New York, 1977. 184 p. Eleven very good essays on Sufism and the Perenity of the Mystical quest.

NUBE (La) DEL NO SABER y otros tratados contemplativos. Traducion, estudio y notas de Luis Avantos Swan. Escorial, Swan, 1989. In-4º g. 27 p.  Obra anónima de um místico inglês do séc. XIV, muito apreciada, marcada pela Bíblia e o pseudo Dionísio Areopagita,  valorizando muito o amor a Deus por ele próprio e sem consolações. O ponto alto é sentir Deus em si, como presença constante e iluminante, seja pelo afecto seja pela razão iluminada, de tal modo " que vê e sente formosura de Deus em si mesmo.", sem dúvida um bela maneira de nos concentrarmos e perseverarmos Nele.

OSMOND, Percy H. T. THE MYSTICAL POETS OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH. London, 1919. Good chapters on Pordage, Henry More, John Norris and Traherne.

OTTO, Rudolf. MYSTICISM EAST AND WEST, a discussion of the nature of  Mysticism focusing on the smilarities and differences of its two principal types. New York, Macmillan, 1976. 282 p. Excelent book on the essence of mystical experience, the numinous, self-evident, and based in a deep understanding of Vedanta doctrines (and authors, specially Shankara), and comparing them with the ones lived and expounded by Meister Eckart. 

RANADE, R. D. MYSTICISM IN INDIA. The Poet-Saints of Maharashtra. State University of New York Press. 1983. 494 p. Ranade (1886-1957) is one of the best specialists in mysticism, being himself one, and covers the main mystics of Maharashtra.

REID, Rev. H. M. B. THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE MYSTICS. London, Hodder, 1923. 246 p. The more interesting chapter is on Mysticism and the Spirit. 

ROOB, Alexander. ALQUIMIA E MISTICISMO. Taschen, 1997. In-8º 711 p. Magnífica escolha de imagens ligadas com alquimia, hermetismo, peregrinação, com cerca de 600 imagens, em geral com texto contextualizante, mas nem sempre. Capítulos: Macrocosmos (Astrónomos, Astros, Música das Esferas, Ovo cósmico, etc), Opus Magnum (Alquimia, Boehme, Lúlio, Sefirotes, Serpente, Androginia, Christus lapis, etc); Microcosmos (A Divina Forma Humana. Cérebro e Memória. As assinaturas. Signos e selos. Aparições). Rotação (Turbilhões e magnetes. A Divina Geometria. A Roda. A rosa dos Ventos, o Enneagrama de Gurdjieff, o Disco cromático, A Rosa, O Peregrino.). 

ROQUER, Ramón. LA PLEGARIA ETERNA. Ilustrada Pedro Pruna. Barcelona 1959. 183 p. Some pages on prayer from the Spanish mystics are included, with soft drawings. 

SABBATUCCI, Dario. ESSAI SUR LE MYSTICISME GREC. Paris, Flammarion, 1982. 270 p. Chapters on: La pratique orphique, La mythologie orphique, Les mystères d'Eleusis, La cité et le sanctuaire, Les dieux grands. Very inovative approach, with deep erudition and gnosis, to the mysticism of Greece, seen not as exercices and altered states of consciousness but mostly as a way of salvation and refusal of the society in a search for alternatives political and religious.
SCHUON, Frithjof. SUR LES TRACES DE LA RELIGION PÉRENNE. Paris, Courrier du Livre, 1982. 115 p. Essays from a perennial philosopher, with more knowdlege on Islam and sufism, in the lines of René Guénon

SMOLEY, Richard. INNER CHRISTIANITY. A guide to the Esoteric Tradition. Boston, Shambala, 2002. 292 p. Approaches to the hidden teachings of Christianiy and related to the spiritual teachings out of the church. In three parts: History, the Vision and Expressions, with subdivisions, and the last one: Spiritual pratices, Love, Evil and Forgiveness, Symbols and Sacraments and the Secret Church.

SOPHRONY, Archimandrite. STARETS SILOUANE, Moine du Mont Athos. Vie, doctrine et écrits. Paris, Presence, 1996. In-4º g. 485 p.  1ª part: Life and Teachings of Starets Silouane ( 1866-1938). 246 pages.  2ª part: Writings of Starets Silouane. About prayer, love, spiritual fight. The author is also a monk of Athos and a disciple of Starets Silouane, and so he is describing very well this so unique place and devotional path: Athos mountains and its monasteries and monks, in a certain way immortalized in the book Philokalia, where are related the lifes and teachings of eremits and monks that were using mostly the prayer: "Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner". This prayer and pietas, were the responsable for the enlightenment of Silouane, as he writes in a autobiographic way and tells us, when looking to a icone and praying, he saw the living Jesus and received the grace of the Holy Spirit in all his soul and body. Important was also to Silouani, humbleness, because then joy and light can come more easily, and we can add also gratitude is a sister of humbleness.

STOLE, Dom Anselme. THÉOLOGIE DE LA MYSTIQUE. Éditions des Benedictines, 1947. 2º ed. 260 p. Good chapters on the paradise of God, the stair of paradise, the inefable words, the mystical experience.

TROTTMAN, Christian. LA VISION BÉATIFIQUE. Des disputes Scolastiques à sa définition par Benoit XII. École Français de Rome, 1995. 899 p. Good book, specially on contemplation and beatific vision according to the main schools and fathers.

WAITE, Arthur Edward. THEOLOGIA ESOTERICA. Intimations of the Real behind Official Doctrine. Article in The Quest. A quarterly Review edited by G. R. S. Mead. Vol. XIX January, 1928, nº 2. 20 p. Qui manet in charitate in Deo manet et Deos in eo. "There is no God but God, and the soul of man is his prophet". Good article from an occultist but also mystic on how to grow the understanding of God, and of God within us, living in His presence.

2 comentários:

  1. Alguns dos livros parecem muito interessantes, fascinantes mesmo. Uma bela resenha.

  2. Graças. Ver se acrescento mais alguns, com entradas bem documentais.
