The testimony of Shri K. D. Sangoram, a «sanskrit scholar and chairman of ACPR, Belgaum, a leading lawyer, close associate of Shri Gurudev Ranade», included in Tributes to and Rememberances of Gurudev R. D. Ranade, the Saint of Nimbal, so well compiled and presented by Rajdendra Chauhan and Deepak V. Apte, is indeed a very good sumary of the meaningful achievements of prof. Ranade and points to the ideal objective in human life of the union of heart and intelect. Or, we can say: you love and feel from your heart, you understand by your mind united to the heart and then you can see and realize also by the intuitions and graces of the divine Spirit.
He may also add that as we become more aware and developing the heart (curbing the klesas and expanding bhakti prema) and controling the states of mind (or vrittis), throught viveka or discernement, the instints and the ego are also restrained and the approach to the Atman and to the Divine Being becomes more attainable and felt.
Let us listen to his so harmonious understanding given to us by Shri K. D. Sangoram:
"Gurudev Ranade was a unique combination of a full-fledged mystic and a profound philosopher.
He was led by circumstances, ordained by the Divine, to make a living acquaintance with mysticism before he came to have an academic acquaintance of European and Indian philosophy. His philosophical thoughts are not of the nature of intellectual speculation. Direct experience was his sole dependable guide. What he experienced, what he felt, what he realized, that alone constituted his philosophy.
He was led by circumstances, ordained by the Divine, to make a living acquaintance with mysticism before he came to have an academic acquaintance of European and Indian philosophy. His philosophical thoughts are not of the nature of intellectual speculation. Direct experience was his sole dependable guide. What he experienced, what he felt, what he realized, that alone constituted his philosophy.
The philosophical thoughts, which he put forth, were
based upon the eternal truths of his own Atmanic experience.
thoughts sanctified by the touch of his spiritual experience, are of
great value and utility and, as such, they possess greater validity than
the thoughts based on sheer ordinary human experience. All his
philosophical theories naturally converge towards the realization of the
supreme goal of human life, namely, God-realisation. Gurudev Ranade’s
philosophy is based on the fundamental bedrock of spiritual experience."
We can learn so much from such a concentrated rememberance: for example, that it is good to have some background of philosophy but the most important are the inner experience and the life where we act as led by Dharma and by God, through direct or indirect orientations and guidances.
For that capacity of divine attunment, qualities like sincerity, aspiration, meditation, compassion should be nurtured, as they will help us to become more mystics, or achieving a receptive inner silence, and so to allign ourselves with the inspiring subtle frequencies and realms from where the Atman, the Guru and the Divine Being can make contact with us.
Very important also seems what Shri K. D. Sangoram explains as to "see and abide by the truths that come to us by atmanic experiences". As we all know, "experiences" of the Atman are not so frequent for normal people, and the ones who have them, enjoy and feel gratitude, but don't go sometimes so deeper to understand fully the message of the experience, or specially what eternal truths and guiding principles should we discern, retain and taken to the heart from these subtle inner experiences.
And we know that Gurudev Ranade has in his so valuable books explained and developed very well some types or aspects of that Atmic ou Atmanic experiences, sometimes calling the Atman with originality as Spiriton.
Another valuable teaching we can receive from Shri K. D. Sangoram is that God's realization, this inner relation with the Divine Being, is the most important endeavor or task in life, and indeed for that divine realization Gurudev Ranade consecrated all his life and has given many teachings, like the need of constant inner rememberance and worhship of God by his sat Nam or by the nama japa of the mantra we receive from our guru, or still by the observation of the inner breathing, surely all these done with bhava, prema and mumuksha, aspiration..
May we attain or reach these states more and more, under the inspiration of the mystical body of the Masters, and specially the ones from Nimbal and gurudev Ranade....
May the Divine Being be born or realized in us more...
Aum namo Narayana....
Beautifuly understood.. Painstakingly written..And nicely presented thoughts of ShriGurudev explained by Shri Sangram.Must admit your love for (essence of our life) Mysticism has endorsed..The philosophy of One God One World One Religion..By our Gurudev.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ResponderEliminarMuch graces for your so kind apreciation of the article and your sintonization with the mystic spiritual path in which our shri Gurudev Ranade has been such a wonderful beacon of Atmanic light...