segunda-feira, 14 de junho de 2021

The teachings of Bô Yin Râ about the Father, the fathers, the Primordial Light, the spirit within us.

 This designation of God as Father, developed by Jesus in his teachings (or in what we have from them...), in its most known formula of praying (Pater Noster) and in the Gospels words and parables (in sharp contrast with the tribal and revengful Jehova), may in our days be felt a bit outdated, as why the Divine Being would be only Father and not also Mother? Why just mention the Masculine principle and not the Feminine one, as both are in God or in the Divine Being?
Or Bô Yin Râ in his opera omnia more than one time speaks on the Father, and some times also about the Fathers, and indeed it will be much valuable  to have an integral aproach to all his mentions of the Father, and Fathers, this last expression used in relation to the Primordial Masters, the sons of the Primordial Light, the ones that didn't fall into the human body and physical realm and are the Fathers of the emissaries or  masters on the physical manifestation...
 In the Book of the Living God, one of the first and most important, we can find valuable contributions:  «The ‘beginning’: – First Being [Ursein], – begets from itself the First Light [Urlicht], and the First Light begets the Word.  
 But the Word has the light of life, and the light shines forth in the Word which begets the ‘Father’: – Original Spiritual Man [Urgeist Menchen]– in the deep silence of eternity, which today is, as it always was and will remain always» 
After this main sense,  the one more close to the Father of master Jesus, we find another use for Fathers, they are the spiritual beings not fallen, the primordial masters, from whom the masters on earth receive energies and blessings:«We have been born into this earthly life as emissaries of the sons of the First Light: – of the fathers of the Light in the Word», the ones which guide them: Never has he desired his given task himself. Yet in the spirit he was prepared for it before being born; when his time had come, the fathers in the First Light found him ready, like ripe fruit on a tree»
Anyway, even the noninitated persons can attain the Father provide they reach their inner center, their true being or I: 
 «Yet you can only become spiritually conscious when your consciousness is accepted by ‘I’, in the way as ‘I’ lives in the spirit from eternity to eternity… It is in ‘I’ alone that the ‘Father’ is recognised and loved, that the ‘First Word’ is recognised and loved and that the ‘First Light’ is recognised and loved!»
In his book The Mystery of Golgotha (Das Mysterium von Golgatha, Leipzig, 1930), indeed one of the most richest  in higher teachings of the work of Bô Yin Râ (1876-1943),  divided in ten chapters: The Mystery of Golgotha, The most dreadful of our enemies, Love and hate, Growth of the soul, Spiritual guidance, Occult practices, Mediunism and artistic creation, At the Source of Life, The “Admission in the White Lodge’’ and, last, Foolish inventions, we can feel the very deep and beautiful  wisdom of Bô Yin Râ, which speaks about all these realities or subjects and also about the mystery of the union of the human spirit with the Divine Being, the Living God in us, still giving some clues about the Masters, the bearers of the Primordial Light, how they are characterized,  how is their unity and their communion with the will of the mysterious Father...
 There Bô Yin Râ writes that the Father is  the Primordial individualization of Being from the Divine, and is also the Word of God manifested in the heart and spirit of each one of the  masters, in order to be their Guide and Master.
 "The Word of God manifested in the heart and spirit of each master".
These are indeed very deep and original teachings that should be meditated, in synchronicity with the quest of receiving the divine streams, through the celestial spirits and masters, for achieving union with the individual spirit, the jivatman in us, and the God within...
As we don't have almost books written by disciples of Bô Yin Râ (although we should mention Felix Weingartner and Rolf Schott), about their meetings and conversations about these higher subjects, and as we don't have also many records of his disciples about their own experiences, we are faced with a certain "solo", the flight of the alone to the Divine, as Plotinus spoke, although Bô Yin Râ sugested that it was good for the disciples to create small groups of three persons to discuss their common path, but very few people attain that soul friendship... 
So, this a humble contribution to a better understanding of the path of the Spirit and to the Living God, specially in Bô Yin Râ teachings and so let us try to read more the Book of the Living God and "The Mystery of Golgotha" and contemplate also his so deep paintings,  two of them being shared here...
Much Light, Love and Strenght on all, on you, on us.... Aum...

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