quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2018

"Das Buch vom Jenseits", "The Book of the Beyond", "O Livro do Além", Bô Yin Râ: teachings; ensinamentos valiosos em versões trilingues comparadas.

Comparing in four languages, some spiritual teachings of Bô Yin Râ:
Tendo acabado de gravar e passar para o Youtube a tradução do Livro do Além de Bô Yin Râ, basicamente a partir da tradução francesa realizada por Robert Winspeare, cotejando contudo algumas partes com a edição original alemã e duas versões inglesas, resolvi seleccionar alguns ensinamentos mais valiosos do livro e transcrevê-los nas cinco diferentes versões,  a 4ª sendo a francesa e a 5ª a portuguesa, para que se possam aprofundar os melhores sentidos.
We have taken some paragraphs or teachings of Bô Yin Râ from Das Buch vom Jenseit, from the original version in german, and from the english version, The Book on Life Beyond, (translation of B. A. Reichenbach, 1976) and the french translation, from Robert Winspeare, circa 1950, Le Livre de L' Au-Dela.
I hope the comparison of so many versions will help the friends of Bô Yin Râ's teachings enter in a better understanding and realization of them... And I would love some feedbacks...
The last translation in english is made by a group from Netherlands, Arkanun, publishing online bilingual editions, who is aware of the conflit arising from the two different translations and who say that people can even think that they are from two different books...
I don't go so far, but indeed, as we can see, the italian proverb traduttore traditore is truth, although so many differences or discrepancies can be also a source, a challenge, for discovering the best translation and meaning, and so become a source of self-inquiry about the true in us and in the teachings.
Let us enter into eight paragraphs of them, and I shall transcribe 1º the original in german (from the second edition of 1929, as the first edition from 1920 was changed and superseded), then 2º - the version made by Arkanun, then 3º - the one from Reichebbach, Kober Press, 1978, and 4º - the french one from Robert Winspeare, and at the end my one in portuguese.
The eight paragraphs are from the last chapter Was ist zu Tum, or What should one do, O que há a fazer-se, in a sequence begining (in Arkanum, Pdf, in german, 877 page, and in french edition, page 171): 
I. 1 - Zur Erlangung der geistigen Vereinigung mit dem Urlicht, – zum Erwachen der geistigen Natur des Menschen aus ihrem Schlafe, – zu dem, was erhabene Erkenntnis die „ Wiedergeburt“ nannte, – sind die hier gemeinten Kenntnisse weder nötig noch nützlich.
2 - The knowledge referred to here [occultism] is neither necessary nor useful in order to attain spiritual union with the First Light, – to awaken the spiritual nature of man from his sleep – to that which sublime knowledge has called ‘rebirth’.
3 - In order to attain the spiritual union with Eternal Light – to raise man's timeless nature from its earthly sleep – for that event which light-inspired knowledge means by man's rebirth all such things are neither needed nor of the slighest use.
4 - Pour parvenir à l'union spirituelle avec la Lumiére Originale, - pour éveiller de son sommeil la nature spirituelle de l'homme - pour atteindre à ce que une haute sagesse a nommé la "nouvelle naisance", - les connaisances dont il s'agit ne sont ni nécessaires ni utiles.
5 - Para conseguirmos a união espiritual com a Luz Primordial - para despertamos a natureza espiritual do ser humano do seu sono - para tal, ao que o conhecimento sublime chama o "nascer de novo" -, todas essas coisas [referidas anteriormente, tais como são ensinadas pela teosofia e o ocultismo] não são necessárias nem minimamente úteis.
II. 1 - Wie alle Künste, die auf einer Möglichkeit der Anwendung hochgespannt er, gemeinhin unbekannter psycho-physischer Kräfte beruhen, haben auch die, von denen hier gesprochen wird, nicht das mindeste zu tun mit der Erweckung und Entfaltung des ewigen Geistmenschen .
2 - Like all arts based on the possible use of generally unknown, high-tension psycho-physical forces, those of which I speak here have not the slightest to do with the awakening and development of eternal spiritual man.
3 - Like all the other skils that rest upon the aplication of a certain, ordinarly unknown, psycho-physical potential of energies kept in a state of heightened tension, those pratices of which I speak have likewise nothing whatsoever to do with the awakening of what is man's eternal self.
4 - Comme tous les artifices basés sur la mise en jeu possible de forces psycho-physiques à haute tension dont on ignore généralement l'existence, ceux dont je parle ici n'ont aucun rapport avec l'éveil et le dévelopement de l'homme spirituel éternel.
5 - Como todas as artes que se baseiam em algum tipo de uso de forças psico-físicas que não são ainda conhecidas, aquelas de que eu falei não têm a ver com o despertar e o desabrochar do ser humano espiritual e eterno.
III. 1 - Was zu dieser Erweckung und Entfaltung gefordert wird, ist in erster Linie eine kontinuierlich beibehaltene Einstellung des ganzen Denkens, Fühlens und irdischen Wollens auf das zu erstrebende Ziel.
2 - What is primarily needed for this awakening and development is a continuously maintained focussing of all thought, feeling and earthly will on the coveted goal.
3 - What is required for the sake of this awakening is, first and foremost, the attainment of a constant orientation of all one's thinking, one's emotions, and one's temporal desires, all of which must be directed towards the mentioned goal.
4 - Ce qu'exigent cet éveil et ce dévelopment, c'est au premier chef, une attitude intérieure, constamment soutenue, de fixation de la pensée, des sentiments et du vouloir terrestre sur le bout à poursuivre.
5 - O que é necessário para este despertar e desenvolver é em primeira linha uma orientação mantida
continuamente de todos os pensamentos, sentimentos e vontades terrenas para o objectivo a que se aspira.
IV. 1 - Der ganze irdische Mensch muss sich aus eigener Kraft erst selbst allmählich umgestalten, bevor ihm geistige Hilfe zuteil werden kann.
2 - The whole earthly man must gradually reshape himself with his own powers before he can receive spiritual help.
3 - The human being as a whole must first have gradually transformed itself, and through its proper energies.
4 - L'homme terrestre tout entier doit d'abord se métamorphoser peu à peu lui-même de par ses propres forces, avant qu'une aide spirituelle puisse lui être prodiguée.
5 - O ser humano terrestre na sua totalidade tem que primeiro se remodelar gradualmente a partir das suas forças, antes que lhe caiba a sorte da ajuda espiritual.
V. 1 -  Es nutzt wenig oder nichts, diese Einstellung nur hin und wieder vorzunehmen, so wie der Fromme einer Gemeinde alle sieben Tage einen Tag gewohnheitsmäßig seinem Gotte weiht ...
2 -There is little or no use in merely focussing every so often, in the way pious members of a congregation do every seven days when they dedicate a day to their God out of habit… 

4 - Il ne sert qu'à peu de chose, sinon à rien, de n'assumer cette atitude intérieur que de temps a autre, à la manière d'un homme pieux ayant coutume en sa paroisse de consacrer tous les sept jours un jour à Dieu...
5 - Há pouca ou nenhuma utilidade em apenas assumir-se tal atitude de quando em quando, tal como faz todas as semanas de sete dias o fiel piedoso de uma paróquia, dedicando por hábito um dia ao seu Deus.
VI 1 - Jede Minute des weiteren Lebens, jede alltägliche Handlung, jeder auftauchende Gedanke, jeder Wunsch und jeder Impuls des irdischen, gehirnbedingten Willens muss hinfort unter dem formenden Einfluss der geforderten Einstellung stehen, wenn der Mensch, der diesen Weg einmal betreten hat, zu wirklichen und nicht nur eingebil deten Erfolgen kommen soll. 
2 - Every minute of the rest of one’s life, every day–to–day activity, every emerging thought, every wish and every impulse proceeding from will, conditioned by the human brain, must henceforth be under the fashioning influence of the required focussing, if the person who has started on this path is to attain real rather than imaginary results.
3 - Every minute of one’s further life, every single action done throughout the day, every thought that comes to mind, and every wish and impulse of one's mortal –mentaly determined – will must henceforth be subordinate to the guiding influence of the demanded orientation; if one who means to take this way to experience real progress, not merely dreams of his imagination.
4 - Il faut que chaque minute de la vie, tout comportement journalier, chaque pensée naissante, toute désir et toute élan de la volonté cérebrale terrestre soient desormais soumis à l'influence formatrice de l'attitude réquise, pour que l'homme, une fois engagé dans cette voie, atteigne des résultats réels et non pas seulement imaginaires.
5 - Cada minuto do resto da vida, cada acto do quotidiano, cada pensamento que nasce, cada desejo e cada impulso da vontade terrestre e condicionada cerebralmente, deve doravante estar sobre o influxo formativo da sintonização necessária, se a pessoa, que
começou a trilhar este caminho quer chegar a realizações reais e não só imaginárias... 

VII. 1 - Periodisch auszuführende „Übungen“ könnten im besten Falle nur in einem wiederholten Aufraffen zu vertiefter Empfindung solcher Einstellung bestehen.
2 - ‘Exercises’ carried out periodically could at best lead by its repeated exertion to a deeper feeling for this focussing.
3 - Periodic exercises can at best renew one's concentration on that goal and thereby strenghten the resolve to seek the needed orientation.
 4 - Des "exercices" à pratiquer périodiquement pourraient tout au plus consister en un effort répété de concentration, en vue de ressentir plus profondément une telle atitude.
5 - "Exercícios" realizados periodicamente podem no melhor caso consistir apenas numa repetida ressonância da sensação da tal sintonização
  necessária .
VIII. 1 - Alles, was in dieser Hinsicht empfohlen werden mag, hat nur den einen Zweck, die neue Einstellung allen Sinnens und Trachtens im Bewusstsein wach zu erhalten, so dass sie keinen Moment mehrvergessen werden kann.
2 - Everything which may be recommended in this respect has just the one purpose, namely to keep awake within consciousness the new focussing of all thinking and doing, so that it can not be forgotten any more at any moment.
3 - Whatever may be recommended to this end is only for one purpose to help maintain, within the center of one's consciousness, the state of of inner orientation of all thoughts and feelings, so that it will be not forgotten for one moment.
4 - Tout ce qui peut être à cette égard recommandé a pour seul but de maintenir consciemment en éveil cette nouvelle atitude, en sorte qu'elle ne puisse plus être à aucun moment relachée.
5 - Tudo o que a respeito disto pode ser recomendado, tem só um objectivo, manter a nova focalização [sintonização, orientação] de todos os pensamentos e interesses [aspirações] desperta na consciência, de tal modo que ela não possa mais
ser esquecida em qualquer momento.»

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