quarta-feira, 8 de outubro de 2014

"O Amor é cego". Love is Blind. Máximas do Amor Cego. Manual....

                        O Amor é cego.   Love is blind.

O AMOR É CEGO foi o lema de uma exposição organizada em Março de 2010 por Carlos Barroco e sua mulher Nadia Baggioli, na sua Galeria Novo Século, em Lisboa e em que colaboraram diversos artistas, cabendo-me a mim a redacção de alguns textos e poemas, o que fiz  em papel antigo, aguarelados...
Como pessoas amigas que apreciaram os meus últimos  poemas escritos me pediram que publicasse mais, eis as fotografias de alguns de tais contributos para a exposição de 2010 sobre o dito tão glosado quanto infinito e perene: O Amor é Cego...
O primeiro livro intitula-se: Máximas do Amor Cego...
Segue-se em inglês esta apresentação e a tradução das sete páginas do livro Máximas do Amor Cego...

Love is Blind was the motto for an Art exposition organized by Carlos Barroco and Nadia Baggioli at his gallery Novo Século, in Lisboa, in March 201o, for which I made some poems and texts in my own kind of manual books, some of them with small paintings.
As two days ago  I made three more poems on Love appreciated by some friends who asked me if I could publish more, let us share this ones written four years ago...
This first one, is called Maxims of the Blind Love...

Maxims on the dictum: Love is Blind
Love is blind because in this way we feel and love more deeply...
Love is blind because the he can touch, caress and merge, to be One.
Love is blind to the imperfections but clairvoyant for the expansions.
When you want to find a great Love then you have to become blind to lesser loves...
Love is so clairvoyant that it blinds himself to love better...
Love disappear when he is not more blind to the appearances...
Love blinds itself, closes his seeing, to refresh himself in the divine fountain internal and external omnipresent...
Love is blind because then he really needs the other...
Love has to become blind to shine invincibly...
Love is blind, sacrifice, suffer, kills itself, just for Love, for loving
Although blind, says Love:/- with the wings of imagination/ I can fly and find you./
Love is blind in us/ until someone comes and makes/ his heart one with us...
Love becomes blind in the blindness of the love's sight of the other...
Of so much searching and studying,/ my eyes became blind/ for what is not Love...

From so much suffering, searching and/ wishing, I become a/ burning fiery of Love..
Blind to the dangers and fears,/ perseverant in exercise and/ art, I know that I will contemplate thee, or embrace thee,/ says Love...
Love is blind and is clairvoyant,/ unites the heaven and earth,/ harmonizes the pleasure and pain,/ good and bad, gnosis and ignorance./ Knows how to see and not see,/ how to Be and not be...
Last page:  «Blind, thousand times blind, to loose you Oh Love, says love...
I will cross the Divine Ocean, rowing with you, oh Love..

The lover, of so much loving the beloved, becomes one alone and the same with her...
Blind and deaf by Love I dash the breast and he, bright and fiery, spurt out: Be the Fire of Love...
Os 1ºs quatro textos. The first four texts...
Os últimos três... The last three...
Alpha and Omega, the first and last pages...
Be a Lover in all levels, but specially on the higher levels...
A primeira e última página, 
Sê um ser de Amor, irradiante e comungante, divinamente harmonizando o Cosmos...

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