quarta-feira, 16 de julho de 2014

Ubiquity. Is possible or not? Questions, Hypothesis and Explanations, by Pedro Teixeira da Mota

Spiritual ubiquity is a subject of so subtle manifestation that it is not easy at all to explain, but anyway let us approach it, with humility and aspiration...
It means possibly a kind of bi-partition of ourselves, as beyond the physical body we have also a soul or subtle body and so we can be at home physically and, in a moment, go somewhere, at the soul's level or spiritual body.
This can happen in a certain way when we sleep and then we have records in some aspects of the dream, the most valuable possible being: 1 - seeing what will be seen during the next day or days, 2 - collecting new information not available previously in our mind, 3 - having deeper relations or talks with someone.
The most interesting aspect of human's spiritual ubiquity is still different and higher, as it may happen when you are awakened but some part of you goes to another person to help her or to teach her, and you don't have even any perception of that, beyond the idea that you feel some connection with that person.
The interesting points to investigate are on the mechanisms operating at soul level for that:
Should we give more value to the explanation that there is some channels by which we can transfer energy and consciousness to the other, for example like rays, or as stream of presence, or as bulk of energies?
Or should we give more value to the explanation that we are just traveling in the subtle spiritual body to the other location and assisting or being with that person?
But then, is there such a fullness of the one single spirit, that we can function in the two places perfectly well, one on physical level, another one just on a energetic and soul level?
It seems so, as the other person is happy to be learning or feeling us, and we are going onward in our meditations or activities...
In fact, our perception of our own spirit, as the inner center of the soul, mind and body, is very small, short, weak...
Most people don't believe in it, they just accept a duality of body and mind, or body and soul. Only some people accept it, and only a few have seen him, through the spiritual eye, and are trying to become more united with him..
In a certain way we are saying that there is consciousness at personality level (by the mind and brain), as well at the spiritual level, and so myself personality I am conscious that I am writing now and, at the same time, the spirit in me is conscious of other aspects of reality, or he can be even far away of me in contact or "talking" with someone, keeping probably a thread of light for keeping me alive spirituality here, and sometimes giving me a inch or two seconds of the sound of the spheres to make me feel him...
If, for the explanation of this ubiquity, it is a thread of light, a beam of light or rays travelling from the cintilla or spirit, or just a "sintonization" of frequencies, is hard to be sure, as our spiritual level and eye are not so cleaned, purified or stabilized to give us better perceptions of these subtle levels...
Surely, there is many cases in the history of religions of saints or masters capable of being in two places at same time, as for example is told of S. Antony of Lisboa....
Surely, also there was quite a lot of studies and controversies on the spiritual ubiquity of Jesus Christ, either in some personal cases, either in he mess. We have instances in the Portuguese mystics of the XVIII century of Jesus visiting her spiritual brides and at some time be seen out there over a procession.
Surely, the ubiquity of God, as 3º person, the Holy Spirit, in His omnipresence is mostly admitted, although not so much felt or seen, specially at its true and deep level...
Surely, if we are spiritual beings mostly or essentially, our spirit, that is Love and Wisdom, even if he is not so much called, does what we want, or what others desire, wish or ask from him, of good, and as Nature abhors the void, so we are prone to dream, attract or fly to similar souls or even the unseen twin souls or, at least, to friends of special affinities...
So more reasons to seek deeper understanding of our own intimate identity, our real being, and his interrelated powers, and interact with the others at this subtle and deep level of Self, with so much still to be studied, known, loved and done...

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